Minor in Modern Languages
The Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages offers an undergraduate minor that draws upon courses in literature and language within the division's departments and elsewhere in the University.
Course work in this minor may not duplicate work counted toward other majors or minors. Advanced Placement credit and transfer credit do not apply to this minor. All courses must be taken for a letter grade. By University policy, no more than 36 units may be awarded in this minor.
Students declare the minor in Modern Languages through Axess.
The minor in Modern Languages is offered to students who want to supplement the course work in their major with course work in modern languages and literatures. The minor must be approved by the chairs of undergraduate studies of the respective language departments. Students in any field qualify for the minor by meeting the following requirements:
- A minimum of 20 units (10 units per language) at the intermediate level (second year) or beyond, not including conversation, in two languages other than English offered by the DLCL.
- At least one additional course, at the 100 level or above, whose subject code ends in -LIT or -GEN in each modern language in '1' above. These courses should be taught by Academic Council members or other senior members of the faculty.
Students are recommended to study, work, or intern abroad for at least eight weeks at a location where one of the languages is spoken.