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Teaching and Research Assistantships in Computer Science

Graduate student assistantships are available. Half-time assistants receive a tuition scholarship for 8, 9, or 10 units per quarter during the academic year, and in addition receive a monthly stipend.

Duties for half-time assistants during the academic year involve approximately 20 hours of work per week. Course assistants (CAs) help an instructor teach a course by conducting discussion sections, consulting with students, and grading examinations. Research assistants (RAs) help faculty and senior staff members with research in computer science. Most course and research assistantships are held by Ph.D. students. If there is an insufficient number of Ph.D. students to staff teaching and research assistantships, then these positions are open to master's students. However, master's students should not plan on being appointed to an assistantship.

Students with fellowships may have the opportunity to supplement their stipends by serving as graduate student assistants.

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