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Joint Degree Programs

A Joint Degree Program (JDP) is a specified combination of degree programs or degree types in which a student is enrolled in two graduate degree programs concurrently. JDPs are developed and proposed by the relevant academic units with agreement of the deans of the schools affected.

An approved JDP includes a set of agreements between the participating programs and schools about matters such as admissions, advising, curricula, and tuition. In a JDP, a specified number of units may be double-counted toward the minimum University residency requirements for both degrees, reducing the total number of residency units required to complete both degrees. Application deadlines for each program or degree apply. Students must be admitted to the JDP no later than the study list deadline of the term prior to the term of expected degree conferral. In a JDP, both degrees are conferred concurrently since the units required for each degree are linked to the completion of both degrees. The sole exception is the J.D. degree which may be awarded prior to the second degree.

The following Joint Degree Programs, permitting students to complete requirements for two degrees with a reduced number of total residency units, are offered:

Specific requirements for the joint degree programs are available from the participating departments and schools and at

Creation of additional Joint Degree Programs that are combinations of J.D./M.A., J.D./M.S., and Ph.D./M.P.P. degrees have been authorized by the Faculty Senate. New JDPs from among these combinations may double-count up to 45 units towards residency requirements. JDPs from these combinations are proposed by the coordinating programs and schools. Once approvals from the chairs of the programs and deans of the relevant schools are obtained, approval on behalf of the Committee on Graduate Studies is granted by the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education, and final approval is granted by the Office of the University Registrar. JDPs combining other degree types or programs may be proposed, but require review by the Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies and must be approved by the Faculty Senate.

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