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Bachelor of Science in the School of Engineering

Departments within the School of Engineering offer programs leading to the B.S. degree in the following fields: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. The School of Engineering itself offers interdisciplinary programs leading to the B.S. degree in Engineering with specializations in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Architectural Design, Atmosphere/Energy, Bioengineering, Biomechanical Engineering, Biomedical Computation, Engineering Physics, and Product Design. In addition, students may elect a B.S. in an Individually Designed Major in Engineering.

The departments of Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, as well as the faculty overseeing the Architectural Design, Atmosphere/Energy, Bioengineering, Biomechanical Engineering, Biomedical Computing, and Engineering Physics majors, offer qualified students opportunities to do independent study and research at an advanced level with a faculty mentor in order to receive a Bachelor of Science with honors. An honors option is also available to students pursuing an independently designed major, with the guidance and approval of their adviser.

Petroleum Engineering—Petroleum Engineering is offered by the Department of Energy Resource Engineering in the School of Earth Sciences. Consult the "Energy Resources Engineering" section of this bulletin for requirements. School of Engineering majors who anticipate summer jobs or career positions associated with the oil industry should consider enrolling in ENGR 120, Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering.

Programs in Manufacturing—Programs in manufacturing are available at the undergraduate, master's, and doctorate levels. The undergraduate programs of the departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering provide general preparation for any student interested in manufacturing. More specific interests can be accommodated through Individually Designed Majors in Engineering (IDMENs).


Basic Requirement 1 (Mathematics)—Engineering students need a solid foundation in the calculus of continuous functions, linear algebra, an introduction to discrete mathematics, and an understanding of statistics and probability theory. Students are encouraged to select courses on these topics. To meet ABET accreditation criteria, a student's program must include the study of differential equations. Courses that satisfy the math requirement are listed at in the Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs.

Basic Requirement 2 (Science)—A strong background in the basic concepts and principles of natural science in such fields as biology, chemistry, geology, and physics is essential for engineering. Most students include the study of physics and chemistry in their programs. Courses that satisfy the science requirement are listed at in the Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs.

Basic Requirement 3 (Engineering Fundamentals)—The Engineering Fundamentals requirement is satisfied by a nucleus of technically rigorous introductory courses chosen from the various engineering disciplines. It is intended to serve several purposes. First, it provides students with a breadth of knowledge concerning the major fields of endeavor within engineering. Second, it allows the incoming engineering student an opportunity to explore a number of courses before embarking on a specific academic major. Third, the individual classes each offer a reasonably deep insight into a contemporary technological subject for the interested non-engineer.

The requirement is met by taking three courses from the following list, at least one of which is chosen by the student rather than by the department:

ENGR 10. Introduction to Engineering Analysis

ENGR 14. Introduction to Solid Mechanics

ENGR 15. Dynamics

ENGR 20. Introduction to Chemical Engineering (Same as CHEMENG 20)

ENGR 25. Biotechnology (Same as CHEMENG 25)

ENGR 25E. Energy: Chemical Transformations for Production, Storage, and Use (Same as CHEMENG 25E)

ENGR 30. Engineering Thermodynamics

ENGR 40. Introductory Electronics1

ENGR 40N. Engineering Wireless Networks

ENGR 40P. Physics of ELectrical Engineering

ENGR 50/50E/50M. Introduction to Materials Science, Nanotechology/Energy/or Biomaterials Emphasis

ENGR 60. Engineering Economics

ENGR 62. Introduction to Optimization (Same as MS&E 111)

ENGR 70A/CS 106A. Programming Methodology

ENGR 70B or X/CS 106B or X. Programming Abstractions (or Accelerated)

ENGR 80. Introduction to Bioengineering (Same as BIOE 80)

ENGR 90. Environmental Science and Technology (Same as CEE 70)

1 ENGR 40 and 50 may be taken on video at some of Stanford's Overseas Centers.

Basic Requirement 4 (Technology in Society)—It is important for the student to obtain a broad understanding of engineering as a social activity. To foster this aspect of intellectual and professional development, all engineering majors must take one course devoted to exploring issues arising from the interplay of engineering, technology, and society. Courses that fulfill this requirement are listed online at in the Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs.

Basic Requirement 5 (Engineering Topics)—In order to satisfy ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) requirements, a student majoring in Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Environmental, or Mechanical Engineering must complete one and a half years of engineering topics, consisting of a minimum of 68 units of Engineering Fundamentals and Engineering Depth appropriate to the student's field of study. In most cases, students meet this requirement by completing the major program core and elective requirements. A student may need to take additional courses in Depth in order to fulfill the minimum requirement. Appropriate courses assigned to fulfill each major's program are listed online at in the Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs.

Experimentation—Chemical Engineering,�Civil Engineering,�Electrical Engineering,�Environmental Engineering,�Materials Science and Engineering, and�Mechanical Engineering must include experimental experience appropriate to the discipline. Lab courses taken in the sciences, as well as experimental work taken in courses within the School of Engineering, will fulfill this requirement.

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