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History and Law

The History and Law (HL) interdisciplinary track is for students who wish to explore the intersections between historical and legal studies. The HL curriculum focuses on the role of legal institutions, policies, and structures in various societies. HL track majors enroll in at least four History department courses that focus on issues of law in civil societies and four courses that provide a geographic concentration. In addition, students enroll in four courses outside History that provide disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspectives on the role of law in shaping societies and a Research Seminar for Majors.

Gateway Course—There is no gateway course for this track. Instead, students take an extra course in the Methodological cluster.

Methodological Cluster (four courses)—Students enroll in at least four History department courses, including courses outside History taught by faculty affiliated with the department, that focus on how law, policies, constitutions, and legal structures affect the development of various societies. (Note: The Methodological Cluster for this HIP contains one extra course since there is no Gateway course.)

For 2011-12, these courses are—

* Asterisk indicates a "non-Western" lecture that students in this track can use towards both a HLA methodology course and as the "non-Western" lecture requirement.

Geographical Cluster (four courses)—Students choose four History courses in one geographic area, such as the United States, Europe, Latin America, Asia, Middle East, or Africa.

Interdisciplinary Cluster (four courses)—Students may select from courses offered in the School of Law, School of Education, and others as appropriate. Note: Courses in the School of Law and School of Education require the permission of the instructor before undergraduate students can enroll, since these are graduate-level courses.

Research Seminar for Majors (HISTORY 209S)—Fulfills the Writing in the Major requirement.

General Requirements—Like all history majors, students in History Interdisciplinary Programs must complete two lecture courses (one Europe or U.S., one Africa, Asia, Middle East or Latin America), two 200-level courses, a Sources and Methods seminar, and a Research Seminar for Majors.

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