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Students of New Faculty

Faculty who are being hired by Stanford University, and who are currently advising doctoral students in advanced stages of degree completion at their home university, may appoint one or more of these students as Students of New Faculty, a nonmatriculated graduate status, for the purpose of facilitating the completion of the student's doctoral research with their faculty advisor. To be eligible for this status, the student must:

Appointment of these students into nonmatriculated Stanford graduate status requires the approval of the incoming faculty member, that faculty member's Stanford department chair and school dean, and Stanford's office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education, as well as of the appropriate office at the student's home institution.

Approval for these appointments is documented by means of an Affiliation Agreement between Stanford and the student's home institution, identifying the student(s) and describing the arrangements for their appointment at Stanford. Attachments to this agreement specify the timing of the appointment and the sources of financial support, if any, for each student.

Students are appointed into this status for one year at a time, up to a limit of three years. The Stanford department may request extensions beyond the third year. Approval for extensions requires the concurrence of the Stanford school dean's office and the Vice Provost for Graduate Education, along with the appropriate office(s) at the student's home institution.

Students of New Faculty must enroll in the appropriate TGR course during each quarter of the academic year while they are at Stanford, and will be charged TGR tuition during each enrolled quarter. Summer enrollment is optional subject to the relevant policies of Stanford and of the home institution. Students of New Faculty may be appointed and paid as Research Assistants. For more information, see

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