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School of Education

Emeriti: (Professors) J. Myron Atkin, John Baugh, Edwin M. Bridges, Robert C. Calfee, Larry Cuban, Elliot W. Eisner, James Greeno, Michael Kamil, Michael W. Kirst, Henry M. Levin, Richard Lyman (President emeritus), James G. March, William F. Massy, Milbrey McLaughlin, Nel Noddings, Ingram Olkin, Denis C. Phillips, Thomas Rohlen, Richard J. Shavelson, Lee S. Shulman, George D. Spindler, Myra H. Strober, Carl E. Thoresen, David B. Tyack, Decker F. Walker, Hans Weiler

Dean: Claude Steele

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs: Francisco O. Ramirez

Associate Dean for Student Affairs: Eamonn Callan

Senior Associate Dean for Administration: Stephen Olson

Associate Dean for External Relations: Rebecca T. Smith

Assistant Dean for Academic Services: Priscilla Fiden

Assistant Dean for Information Technology and CTO: Paul Kim

Professors: Arnetha Ball, Joanna Boaler, Hilda Borko, Eamonn Callan, Martin Carnoy, Geoffrey Cohen, William Damon, Linda Darling-Hammond, Claude Goldenberg, Pamela Grossman, Patricia J. Gumport, Edward Haertel, Kenji Hakuta, Connie Juel, John D. Krumboltz, David F. Labaree, Teresa D. LaFromboise, Susanna Loeb, Raymond P. McDermott, Jonathan Osborne, Amado M. Padilla, Roy Pea, Walter Powell, Francisco O. Ramirez, Daniel Schwartz, Deborah J. Stipek, Guadalupe Valdés, John Willinsky, Sam Wineburg

Associate Professors: H. Samy Alim, Anthony L. Antonio, Brigid J. Barron, Eric Bettinger, Bryan Brown, Prudence Carter, Daniel McFarland, Debra Meyerson, Sean Reardon, David Rogosa, Mitchell Stevens

Assistant Professors: Jennifer Adams, Nicole M. Ardoin, Maren Songmy Aukerman, Paulo Blikstein, Leah Gordon, Aki Murata, Jelena Obradovic

Professors (Teaching): Shelley Goldman, Rachel Lotan

Associate Professors (Teaching): Ira Lit, Susan O'Hara, Christine Min Wotipka

Professor (Research): David Plank

Assistant Professor (Research): Michelle Reininger

Courtesy Professors: Stephen Barley, Albert Camarillo, Carol Dweck, Paula England, Eric Hanushek, William Koski, Clifford Nass, Brad Osgood, John Rickford, Cecilia Ridgeway, Caroline Winterer

Courtesy Associate Professors: Stephen Cooper, Robert Reich

Courtesy Assistant Professor: Shashank Joshi

Senior Lecturers: Denise Pope, Ann Porteus

School Offices: School of Education, Room 101

Mail Code: 94305-3096

Phone: (650) 723-2109

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:

Courses offered by the School of Education are listed under the subject code EDUC on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.

Aiming towards the ideal of enabling all people to achieve maximum benefit from their educational experiences, the School of Education seeks to continue as a world leader in ground-breaking, cross-disciplinary inquiries that shape educational practices, their conceptual underpinnings, and the professions that serve the enterprise. The School of Education prepares scholars, teachers, teacher educators, policy analysts, evaluators, researchers, administrators, and other educational specialists. Two graduate degrees with specialization in education are granted by the University: Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. While no undergraduate majors are offered, the school offers a number of courses for undergraduates, an undergraduate minor and undergraduate honors program, and a variety of tutoring programs.

The School of Education is organized into three program area committees: Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education (CTE); Developmental and Psychological Sciences (DAPS); and Social Sciences, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary Policy Studies in Education (SHIPS).

In addition, several cross-area programs are sponsored by faculty from more than one area. These programs include the doctoral Learning Sciences and Technology Design Program (LSTD); two master's level programs: the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) and the Learning, Design, and Technology Program (LDT); and the undergraduate honors and minor programs.

These program area committees function as administrative units that act on admissions, plan course offerings, assign advisers, and determine program requirements. Various concentrations exist within most of these areas. Faculty members are affiliated primarily with one area but may participate in several programs. While there is a great deal of overlap and interdisciplinary emphasis across areas and programs, students are affiliated with one area committee or program and must meet its degree requirements.

Detailed information about admission and degree requirements, faculty members, and specializations related to these area committees and programs can be found in the publication School of Education Guide to Graduate Studies and at

The School of Education offers an eight-week summer session for admitted students only. The school offers no correspondence or extension courses, and in accordance with University policy, no part-time enrollment is allowed. Work in an approved internship or as a research assistant is accommodated within the full-time program of study.

Undergraduate Programs in Education

The School of Education offers a minor and an honors program at the undergraduate level. Further information about these programs can be found at

Regardless of whether they are enrolled in one of these undergraduate programs, undergraduates are also welcome in many graduate-level courses.

Graduate Programs in Education

The School of Education offers Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in several programs described below. University and School of Education requirements must be met for each degree. The University requirements are detailed in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin. Students are urged to read this section carefully, noting residency, tuition, and registration requirements. A student who wishes to enroll for graduate work in the School of Education must be admitted to graduate standing by one of the school's area committees and with the approval of the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.

Complete information about admissions procedures and requirements is available from Graduate Admissions, or at All applicants, except coterminal applicants, must submit scores from the Graduate Record Examination General Test (verbal, quantitative, and analytical or analytical writing areas); TOEFL scores are also required from those whose first language is not English. Applicants to the Stanford Teacher Education Program are also required to submit specific test scores or acceptable equivalents as required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing; see the section on STEP below. Test information is available at in the admissions section.

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