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Ph.D. Minor in Bioengineering

Doctoral students pursuing a Ph.D. degree in a major other than Bioengineering may apply for the Ph.D. minor in Bioengineering. A minor is a not a requirement for any degree, but is available when agreed upon by the student and the major and minor department.

Application forms, including the University's general requirements, can be found at

A student desiring a Ph.D. minor in Bioengineering must have a minor program advisor who is a regular Bioengineering faculty member. This advisor must be a member of the student's reading committee for the doctoral dissertation, and the entire reading committee must meet at least one year prior to the date of the student's dissertation defense.

The Ph.D. minor program must include at least 20 units of course work in Stanford Bioengineering or Bioengineering cognate courses at or above the 200 level. Of these 20 units, no more than 10 can be in cognate courses. All courses listed to fulfill the 20-unit requirement must be taken for a letter grade and the GPA must be at least 3.25. Courses used for a minor may not be used to also meet the requirements for a master's degree.

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