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Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU)

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All registered students are members of the ASSU. They are governed by the ASSU Constitution and Bylaws, which was last revised and approved by student vote in April 2007.

Executive—The President and Vice President serve as the chief executives and representatives for the Association. The Financial Manager acts as business manager of the ASSU, CEO of Stanford Student Enterprises (SSE), and controller of the Students' Organizations Fund in which ASSU and student organization funds are deposited.

Legislative—There are two legislative bodies, an Undergraduate Senate and a Graduate Student Council, that work together to determine the Association's budgetary, financial, investment, business, and operating policies. In addition, each entity provides funding for student organizations, participates in recommending student appointments to University Committees and advocates on behalf of its constituents. Each body has 15 elected representatives and an elected chair. Both meet regularly to conduct Association business and discuss and act on issues pertinent to student life at Stanford.

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