Advanced Placement
Stanford University allows up to 45 units of external credit (90 units for transfer students) toward graduation including work completed in high school as part of the College Board Advanced Placement curriculum. The awarding of such credit is based on CEEB Advanced Placement test scores and is subject to University and department approval.
The faculty of a given department determine whether any credit toward the 180-unit requirement can be based on achievement in the College Board Advanced Placement Program in their discipline. Stanford departments electing to accept the Advanced Placement (AP) credit are bound by these University policies:
- Credit is usually granted for an AP score of 4 or 5. Usually, 10 quarter units are awarded (but occasionally fewer than 10). No more than 10 quarter units may be given for performance in a single examination.
- Whether credit is to be given for an AP score of 3 is a matter for departmental discretion; up to 10 units may be awarded.
- No credit may be authorized for an AP score lower than 3.
Performance on an AP exam can indicate the appropriate placement for continuing course work in that subject at Stanford. If students enroll in courses at Stanford for which they received equivalent AP credit, the duplicating AP credit will be removed. The chart below shows the current AP credit and placement policies.
A maximum of 45 quarter units of Advanced Placement (AP), transfer credit, and/or other external credit (such as International Baccalaureate) may be applied toward the undergraduate degree. More than 45 units of AP, transfer, and other external credit may appear on the Stanford University transcript; however, only 45 units can be applied to the minimum units required for the undergraduate degree. Once credit has been posted it cannot be removed from the student record. Stanford University policies on AP and other external credit are subject to review and change on an annual basis. Subjects not listed on this chart are not eligible for AP credit at Stanford University.
Further information is available from the Student Services Center or at