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Minor in Education (Undergraduate)

The Stanford University School of Education awards an undergraduate minor in the field of Education. The minor is structured to provide a substantial introduction to education through a broad-based and focused study of educational research, theory and practice. The goals of the minor are to allow undergraduates to develop an understanding of the core issues facing educators and policymakers, to make connections to their major programs of study, and to provide rigorous preparation for graduate studies in education.

Students interested in pursuing an undergraduate minor in Education begin by contacting the minor director (Jennifer Lynn Wolf, [email protected]), who is responsible for advising all candidates and approving each student's minor plan of study. Applications for the minor are due no later than the second quarter of the junior year.

The Education Minor requires three core courses to ensure coverage of the disciplines of the field, while allowing flexibility for students wanting to pursue specific interests within Education. In order to graduate with a minor in Education, students must complete the minor program of study as described here, for a total of not less than 20 units and not more than 30 units, with a minimum of six courses.

Course Requirements and Distribution

  1. All minor students are required to take the minor core course:
    • EDUC 101. Introduction to Teaching and Learning, addressing foundational issues in teaching, learning, and education.
  2. All students are also required to take two foundational courses, such as the following:
    • EDUC 103B. Sociocultural Theory and Practices
    • EDUC 110. Sociology of Education
    • EDUC 201. History of Education in the United States
    • EDUC 203. The Anthropology of Education
    • EDUC 204. Introduction to Philosophy of Education
  3. Each student identifies a subfield of study in which to take at least three elective courses. Established subfields of study within the School of Education include: Teaching and Learning; Education Research and Policy; and Educational Technology. Suitable elective courses include:
    1. Subfield 1: Teaching and Learning—
      • EDUC 103A . Tutoring: Seeing a Child through Literacy
      • EDUC 111. The Young Adult Novel: A Literature for and About Adolescents
      • EDUC 116X. Service Learning as an Approach to Teaching
      • EDUC 149. Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism
      • EDUC 165. History of Higher Education in the U.S.
      • EDUC 171. Early Childhood Education Practicum
      • EDUC 208. Curriculum Construction
      • EDUC 218. Topics in Learning and Cognition
      • EDUC 223. Good Districts and Good Schools: Research, Policy and Practice
      • EDUC 256. Psychological and Educational Resilience Among Children and Youth
      • EDUC 283. Child Development in and Beyond Schools
    2. Subfield 2: Education Research and Policy—
      • EDUC 104X. The Conduct of Research with and in Communities
      • EDUC 119X. Writing about Education
      • EDUC 122X. Collaborations for International Environmental Education
      • EDUC 123X. Contexts that Promote Youth Development
      • EDUC 113X. Gender and Sexuality in the Schools
      • EDUC 277. Education of Immigrant Students: Psychological Perspectives
      • EDUC 197. Education, Gender and Development
      • EDUC 223. Good Districts and Good Schools: Research, Policy & Practice
    3. Subfield 3: Educational Technology—
      • EDUC 106. Interactive Media and Education
      • EDUC 124. Collaborative Design and Research of Technology: Integrated Curriculum
      • EDUC 208. Curriculum Construction
      • EDUC 218. Topics in Learning and Cognition
      • EDUC 283. Child Development in and Beyond Schools
      • EDUC 303X. Designing Learning Spaces
      • EDUC 333A. Understanding Learning Environments
      • EDUC 333B. Imagining the Future of Learning
      • EDUC 342. Child Development and New Technologies
  4. Course work completed for the Education Minor must meet the following criteria:
    • All courses must be taken for a letter grade.
    • All courses must be completed with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
    • Courses used to fulfill the minor may not be used to fulfill any other department degree requirements (major or minor).
    • All courses must be taken at Stanford University.

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