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Scholarships and Fellowships, and Post-Baccalaureate Studies

Together with advisers at the Overseas Resource Center ( and the Haas Center for Public Service (, UAR advisers help prepare students to compete for merit scholarships and post-baccalaureate fellowships. UAR also administers campus nomination competitions for the Beinecke, Carnegie, Center for the Study of the Presidency, Jack Kent Cooke, Goldwater, Liebmann, Merage, Mellon Mays, Truman, and Udall scholarships. Binders containing applications of past years' winners are available for review on the first floor of Sweet Hall and in the offices of Academic Directors.

UAR offers workshops and individual consultations on planning for graduate or professional studies (education, law, medicine, business) and on how to write personal statements, how to solicit letters of recommendation, and how to prepare for interviews.

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