Computer Science (CS) Minor
The following core courses fulfill the minor requirements. Prerequisites include the standard mathematics sequence through MATH 51.
Introductory Programming (AP Credit may be used to fulfill this requirement): CS 106B. Programming Abstractions |
5 |
or CS 106 X. Programming Abstractions (Accelerated) |
5 |
CS 103. Mathematical Foundations of Computing1 |
5 |
CS 107. Computer Organization and Systems2 |
5 |
CS 109. Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists3 |
5 |
Electives (choose two courses from different areas):
Artificial Intelligence
CS 121. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence |
3 |
CS 221. AI: Principles and Techniques |
4 |
Human-Computer Interaction
CS 147. Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Design |
4 |
Software |
CS 108. Object-Oriented Systems Design |
4 |
CS 110. Principles of Computer Systems |
5 |
CS 140. Operating Systems |
4 |
CS 143. Compilers |
4 |
CS 144. Networking |
4 |
CS 145. Databases |
4 |
CS 148. Graphics |
4 |
CS 154. Automata and Complexity Theory |
4 |
CS 157. Logic and Automated Reasoning |
3 |
CS 161. Design and Analysis of Algorithms |
5 |
Note: for students with no programming background and who begin with CS 106A, the minor consists of seven or eight courses.
1 Students who have taken either CS 103X or CS 103A/B are considered to have satisfied the CS 103 requirement.
2 The name of CS 107 has changed. The previous CS 107 course entitled Programming Paradigms also fulfills this requirement.
3 Students who completed STATS 116, MS&E 120, or CME 106 in Winter 2008-09 or earlier may count that course as satisfying the CS 109 requirement. These same courses taken in Spring 2008-09 or later cannot be used to satisfy the CS 109 requirement.