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Minor in Linguistics

Requirements for the minor include at least 28 units of course work (typically seven courses) in Linguistics and related fields, approved in advance by the Linguistics undergraduate studies adviser. No more than two courses, neither of which can be a core course, may be taken on a credit/no credit basis. The courses counting towards the minor must be incremental units beyond those needed to satisfy the student's major course of study. The minor consists of:

  1. LINGUIST 1. Introduction to Linguistics
  2. Two out of the following Linguistics core courses:

    LINGUIST 110. Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology

    LINGUIST 120. Introduction to Syntax

    LINGUIST 130A. Introduction to Linguistic Meaning

    LINGUIST 150. Language in Society

    or LINGUIST 160. Introduction to Language Change

    or, in advance consultation with the Linguistics undergraduate studies adviser, a course in historical linguistics or the history of a language.

  3. At least four other courses determined in advance consultation with the Linguistics undergraduate studies adviser. Students are encouraged to take at least one 200-level Linguistics course. Students may also choose to do independent work with a faculty member of their choice.

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