Overseas Studies Courses in Political Science
For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site (http://explorecourses.stanford.edu) or the Bing Overseas Studies web site (http://bosp.stanford.edu). Students should consult their department or program's student services office for applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.
Autumn Quarter
OSPBEIJ 66. Essentials of China's Criminal Justice System. 5 units, Wang, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
OSPBER 15. Shifting Alliances? The European Union and the US. 4-5 units, Brückner, GER: DB:SocSci, EC:GlobCom
OSPBER 115X. German Economy: Past and Present. 4-5 units, Klein, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
OSPBER 126X. A People's Union? Money, Markets, and Identity in the EU. 4-5 units, Brückner, GER: DB:SocSci, EC: GlobCom
OSPFLOR 51. Italian Foreign Policy and the Global Players. 5 units, Pistelli
OSPFLOR 53. Law and the Use of Force: An Historical Appraisal. 3 units, Sofaer
OSPKYOTO 215X. Political Economy of Japan. 4-5 units, Hayashi, DB:SocSci.
OSPMOSC 72. Space, Politics and Modernity in Russia. 5 units, Medvedev, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
OSPMOSC 74. Post-Soviet Eurasia and SCO: Society, Politics, and Integration
OSPOXFRD 35. Modern UK and European Government and Politics. 4-5 units, Cappocia, GER:DB:SocSci
OSPPARIS 32. Understanding French Politics. 4-5 units, Chamorel, GER:DB: SocSci
OSPSANTG 221X. Political Transition and Democratic Consolidation: Chile in Comparative Perspective. 5 units, Micco, GER:DB:SocSci
Winter Quarter
OSPFLOR 78. An Extraordinary Experiment: Politics and Policies of the "New" European Union.
OSPOXFRD 18. Making Public Policy: an Introduction to Political Philosophy, Politics and Economics. 4-5 units, McMahon, GER:DB:SocSci
OSPPARIS 57. Human Rights in Comparative Perspective. 4-5 units, Boussaguet, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
OSPSANTG 129X. Latin America in the International System. 4-5 units, GER: DB:SocSci
Spring Quarter
OSPBER 15. Shifting Alliances? The European Union and the US. 4-5 units, Brückner, GER: DB:SocSci, EC: GlobCom
OSPCPTWN 31. Theory and Politics of Foreign Aid. 3 units, Klingebiel
OSPKYOTO 215X. Political Economy of Japan. 4-5 units, Hayashi, GER:DB:SocSci
OSPOXFRD 24. British and American Constitutional Systems in Comparative Perspective. 4-5 units, McMahon, GER:DB:SocSci
OSPOXFRD 41. Europe and US Foreign Policy. 5 units, Schultz. GER: DB:SocSci
OSPPARIS 122X. Challenges of Integration in the European Union. 4-5 units, Strudel, GER:DB:SocSci
OSPSANTG 116X. Modernization and its Discontents: Chilean Politics at the Turn of the Century. 5 units, Correa, GER:DB:SocSci