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No person shall attend any class unless he or she is a fully registered student enrolled in the course or meets the criteria for auditors. Auditors are not permitted in courses that involve direct participation such as language or laboratory science courses, field work, art courses with studio work, or other types of individualized instruction. Auditors are expected to be observers rather than active participants in the courses they attend, unless the instructors request attendance on a different basis. Stanford does not confer credit for auditing, nor is a permanent record kept of courses audited. Students who have been suspended are not permitted to audit.

Auditors may not join classes for the first time after the University's final study list deadline. Auditors are not eligible for other University services or privileges including housing, health insurance (Cardinal Care), Vaden clinical services, and the University health plan. The University Registrar reviews for approval any other services or privileges that may be sought.

In all cases of auditing, the instructor's prior consent and the Office of the University Registrar's prior approval are required. Further information is available from the Office of the University Registrar.

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