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Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation

Emeriti: (Professor) Wesley K. Ruff; (Associate Director) Robert C. Young; (Assistant Director) Shirley Schoof; (Athletic Director) Ted Leland

Athletic Director: Bob Bowlsby

Deputy Athletic Directors: Patrick Dunkley, Ray Purpur

Senior Associate Athletic Director, Intercollegiate Services/Senior Woman Administrator: Beth Goode

Senior Associate Athletic Director, External Relations: Chris Hutchins

Senior Associate Athletic Director, Intercollegiate Sports: Earl Koberlein

Senior Associate Athletic Director, Physical Education, Recreation, and Wellness: Eric Stein

Senior Associate Athletic Director, CFO: Brian Talbott

Associate Athletic Director for Business Strategy: Kevin Blue

Associate Director of Development, Development: Joe Karlgaard

Associate Directors of Development for Major Gifts: Scott Alexander, Darcie Bransford

Senior Assistant Athletic Director, Media Relations: Jim Young

Assistant Athletic Director, Compliance Services: Megan Boone

Assistant Athletic Director, Marketing: Marie Vasquez

Assistant Athletic Director, Capital Planning: David Schinski

Sport Directors: Basketball, men: Johnny Dawkins; Basketball, women: Tara VanDerveer; Crew, men: Craig Amerkhanian; Crew, women: Yasmin Farooq; Cross Country: Jason Dunn; Diving: Richard Schavone; Field Hockey: Tara Danielson; Football: David Shaw; Golf, men: Conrad Ray; Gymnastics, men: Thom Glielmi; Gymnastics, women: Kristen Smyth; Lacrosse: Amy Bokker; Lightweight Crew, women: Al Acosta; Sailing: John Vandemoer; Soccer, men: Bret Simon; Softball: John Rittman; Squash, women: Mark Talbott; Swimming, men: Skip Kenney; Tennis, men: John Whitlinger; Tennis, women: Lele Forood; Track and Field, women: Edrick Floreal; Volleyball, men: John Kosty; Volleyball, women: John Dunning; Water Polo, men: John Vargas; Water Polo, women: John Tanner; Wrestling: Jason Borrelli

Department Offices: Arrillaga Family Sports Center

Mail Code: 94305-6150

Phone: (650) 723-4591

Web Site:

Athletics Web Site:

Courses offered by the Department of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation are listed under the subject code ATHLETIC on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.

From the founding of the University, Stanford's leaders have believed physical activity is valuable for its own sake and complementary to the educational purpose of the University. The mission of the Department of Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation is to offer the widest possible range of quality programs for athletic participation and physical fitness at all levels of skill and interest. Within the limitations of its resources, the department provides a broad range of instructional, recreational, and intramural competitive programs for all who wish to participate. The intrinsic value to the participant is the primary criterion by which the worth of the programs should be judged.

The goals of the department's programs are to promote understanding of the value and role of physical activity as an important dimension of the human condition, to develop performance skills in sport, to develop the habit of participation, and to provide leadership opportunities in aquatics, sports, and other physical activities. To this end, the program encompasses a diversity of learning and participating opportunities from informal recreation through organized intramural competition, basic instructional classes, and theoretical study to, and including, intercollegiate athletic competition.

Programs in Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation

No degrees are offered in Physical Education.


In keeping with American university tradition, Stanford offers a broad intercollegiate athletic program. The objectives are to provide the opportunity to compete at the highest possible level without jeopardizing the integrity of the individual or the institution; to adhere strictly to all University, association, and conference rules governing athletic participation; and to encourage effectively the achievement of academic goals by student athletes at the same rate as other University students. As a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Stanford fields both men's and women's varsity teams. Those for men are baseball, basketball, crew, cross country, fencing, football, golf, gymnastics, sailing, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, volleyball, water polo, and wrestling. Those for women are basketball, crew, cross country, fencing, field hockey, golf, gymnastics, lacrosse, sailing, soccer, softball, squash, swimming and diving, synchronized swimming, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and water polo.

Both men's and women's teams are affiliated with the Pacific Ten Conference, one of the premier athletic conferences in the nation. Additional or alternative intercollegiate athletic competition is available for all teams.


The Stanford Club Sports program provides competition in sports not included in the intercollegiate varsity program and instruction in classes or activities not included in the Physical Education program. It also develops student leadership in organizing, administering, and funding activities. The club program is actively supervised by the Coordinator of Club Sports, but the emphasis is on student interest and leadership to initiate, organize, and conduct the respective clubs. Those students in clubs that meet the criteria for inclusion in the formal curriculum may apply for units of credit.


Students interested in participating in intramural sports should visit the intramural web site: for more information. They may visit the IM Office in Ford/Burnham. The program includes formal competition in fifteen team and individual sports, using both league and single elimination tournament play structure. Individuals are encouraged to check the web site at the beginning of each quarter to obtain registration and league information. Registration occurs on the second Monday and Tuesday of each quarter, with mandatory captain meetings held that Thursday evening. Intramural leagues are offered in Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer quarters.


The department provides facility use for faculty, staff, and students (and, for some activities, their immediate families) to participate in aquatics, conditioning, and sports for general recreation. Specific recreation hours for all the facilities are posted throughout the year at the respective facilities and at

The golf course and driving range are available for faculty, staff, and student use on a fee basis; information is available from the Golf Pro Shop.

Recreational classes are offered in areas such as rock climbing, indoor cycling, and golf.


Athletic facilities are located throughout the campus. On the west side of campus are the Golf Course, the Golf Driving Range, the Red Barn Stables, Roble Field and Pool, the Sand Hill Intramural Fields, and the West Campus Tennis Courts. Centrally located is the Tresidder Fitness Center. On the east side of campus are the Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation, the Arrillaga Family Racquetball Center, the Arrillaga Family Sports Center, Avery Aquatic Center, Burnham Pavilion, Cobb Track and Angell Field, the Ford Center for Sports and Recreation, the Manzanita Basketball Court and Field, Maples Pavilion, Taube South Tennis Courts, and Taube Tennis Stadium.

Off-campus facilities include the Morrison Boathouse, a sailing and rowing facility.


The diverse instructional program strives to accommodate the sports interests of all undergraduates and graduate students. Only intercollegiate varsity men's and women's teams are limited to undergraduates. Skill groupings and limited class sizes enable the beginning student or the advanced performer to achieve success within the limits of individual motivation and potential. Skill level in, and knowledge about, a specific activity as well as available space are the only limitations to enrollment. Physically disabled students are encouraged to contact Eric Stein ([email protected]) for enrollment advice.

Academic Credit—Activity classes carry 1 unit of credit for satisfactory completion of work. Although there is no limitation on the number of activity classes in which a student may enroll, no more than 8 units of these activity classes (and/or other University activity classes) may be applied toward undergraduate graduation requirements (see the "Undergraduate Degrees" section of this bulletin).

Auditing—No auditing is allowed in activity classes. Faculty and staff may take an activity class as space is available with instructor consent after student enrollment is completed.

Class Fees—Fees are charged for enrollment in all physical education activity classes and club sports. Class fees are posted directly to the student's university account.

Class Sign-ups—Students sign up for classes on Axess. For classes with limited enrollment, students must attend the first class meeting or contact the instructor to guarantee their space in class.

Deadline for Adding a Class—Students who have never appeared in a class may not enroll in that class after the fourth class meeting has passed. Students may add the class after the fourth meeting if they have been in regular attendance, but must add the class to their study list by the study list deadline, Friday of the third week of the quarter.

Equipment—Information on equipment and recommended class attire is available from the department or instructor.

Lockers—Lockers are available for rent to faculty/staff and students at the Arrillaga Family Sports Center, Ford Center and Roble Gym. The fee for faculty/staff is $30 per quarter or $70 per year. The fee for students is $20 per quarter or $50 per year.

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