Emeriti: (Professors) Barton J. Bernstein, Carl N. Degler, Peter Duus, Terence Emmons, Harold L. Kahn, David M. Kennedy, George H. Knoles, Richard W. Lyman, Mark Mancall, Peter Paret, Paul A. Robinson, Paul Seaver, James J. Sheehan, Peter Stansky, David B. Tyack, Lyman P. Van Slyke; (Senior Lecturer) Joseph J. Corn
Chair: Kären Wigen
Professors: Keith M. Baker, Joel Beinin, Albert Camarillo, James T. Campbell, Clayborne Carson, Gordon Chang, Paula Findlen, Estelle Freedman, Stephen Haber, Tamar Herzog, David Holloway, Nancy S. Kollmann, Mark E. Lewis, Carolyn Lougee Chappell, Ian Morris, Norman M. Naimark, Robert Proctor, Jack N. Rakove, Richard L. Roberts, Aron Rodrigue, Richard P. Saller, Londa Schiebinger, Richard White, Kären E. Wigen, Caroline Winterer, Steven J. Zipperstein
Associate Professors: David R. Como, Robert Crews, James P. Daughton, Zephyr Frank, Sean Hanretta, Jessica Riskin, Priya Satia, Matthew H. Sommer, Amir Weiner
Assistant Professors: Allyson V. Hobbs, Aishwary Kumar, Yumi Moon, Thomas S. Mullaney, Edith Sheffer, Laura Stokes, Jun Uchida, Ali Yaycioglu
Courtesy Professors: Giovanna Ceserani, Daniel Edelstein, Lawrence Friedman, Leah Gordon, Avner Greif, Amalia Kessler, Larry Kramer, David F. Labaree, Reviel Netz, Walter Scheidel, Sam Wineburg, Gavin Wright
Senior Lecturers: Katherine Jolluck, Martin W. Lewis
Acting Assistant Professor: Arie Dubnov
Lecturer: Robert Fredona, Margo Horn, Patrick Iber, Jamie Kreiner, Carol McKibben, Zeb Tortorici, Leandra Zarnow
Department Office: Building 200, Room 113
Mail Code: 94305-2024
Phone: (650) 723-2651
Web Site: http://history.stanford.edu
Courses offered by the Department of History are listed under the subject code HISTORY on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
History courses teach the analytical, interpretive, and writing knowledge and skills necessary for understanding the connections between past and present. History is a pragmatic discipline in which the analysis of change over time involves sifting the influences and perspectives that affect the course of events, and evaluating the different forms of evidence historians exploit to make sense of them. Teaching students how to weigh these sources and convert the findings into persuasive analysis lies at the heart of the department's teaching. Graduates with a History major pursue careers and graduate study in law, public service, business, writing, education, and journalism.
The department expects undergraduate majors in the program to be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are used in evaluating students and the department's undergraduate program. Students are expected to demonstrate:
- an understanding of what it means to think historically: locating subjects in time and place and being sensitive to the contingencies of context and to change over time.
- critical and interpretive thinking skills using course's primary source materials.
- the ability to identify different types of sources of historical knowledge.
- analytical writing skills and close reading skills.
- effective oral communication skills
The Department of History offers the following degree programs: Bachelor of Arts, coterminal Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy.
Graduate Programs in History
The primary goal of the Stanford Department of History's graduate program is the training of scholars. Most students who receive doctorates in the program go on to teach at colleges or universities. Other students have obtained positions in university administration and research.