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Master of Arts in Religious Studies

University requirements for the M.A. are described in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin. The department offers a one-year terminal M.A. program. Students can also earn their M.A. degree as part of their coterminal degree program. The M.A. program serves two groups of students: a) those who wish to prepare for a doctoral program in religious studies and b) those who wish to further deepen their knowledge in an area in which they have acquired some expertise during their undergraduate work.


The following requirements are in addition to the University's basic requirements.

The student completes at least 45 units of graduate work at Stanford beyond the B.A. degree, including either RELIGST 290, Majors Seminar, or, with consent of instructor, RELIGST 304A or B, Theories and Methods. Residence may be completed by three quarters of full-time work or the equivalent.

The student's plan of courses is subject to approval by the Graduate Director. No field of specialization is expected, but students may focus work in particular areas. Advanced and graduate courses in other departments may be taken (see below). No thesis is required; a thesis, if elected, may count for as many as 9 units.

Each student demonstrates reading knowledge of at least one foreign language.

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