Overseas Studies Courses in Public Policy
For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site (http://explorecourses.stanford.edu) or the Bing Overseas Studies web site (http://bosp.stanford.edu). Students should consult their department or program's student services office for applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.
Autumn Quarter
OSPBEIJ 024. China's Economic Development. 5 units, Rozelle, GER:DB:SocSci
OSPPARIS 124X. Building the European Economy: Economic Policies and the Challenges Ahead. 5 units, Jacques Le Cacheux, GER:DB:SocSci
OSPPARIS 153X. Health Systems and Health Insurance: France and the U.S. -- a Comparison. 4-5 units, Fessler, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobCom
Winter Quarter
OSPMADRID 32. Health Care Systems Design: Spain, Europe, and the United States. 4 units, Baker, GER:DB:HUM
OSPOXFRD 18. Making Public Policy: An Introduction to Political Philosophy, Politics and Economics. 4-5 units, Robert McMahon, GER:DB:SocSci
Spring Quarter
OSPCPTWN 40. Education in the Post-Apartheid City. 4 units, Bardroodien, Aslam Fataar
OSPFLOR 24. Economics in the European Setting. 3 units, Eric Bettinger
OSPFLOR 78. An Extraordinary Experiment: Politics and Policies of the "New" European Union. 5 units, Morlino, GER:DB:SocSci
OSPPARIS 33. The Economics of Climate Change: Policies in Theory and in Practice in the EU and the US. 5 units, Christian de Perthuis, Benoit Leguet, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
OSPSANTG 119X. The Chilean Economy: History, International Relations, and Development Strategies. 5 units, Staff, GER:DB:SocSci