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Astronomy Cognate Courses


The following courses provide a descriptive knowledge of astronomical objects and astrophysics of the universe. PHYSICS 15, 16, and 17 are for students not majoring in the sciences and are taught in different quarters by different instructors, and may be taken individually or in any order.

PHYSICS 15. The Nature of the Universe

PHYSICS 16. Cosmic Horizons

PHYSICS 17. Black Holes


The following courses are intended to familiarize students with observational methods and analysis of astronomical data. PHYSICS 100 involves more advanced observations and is intended for students with a college level background in physics.

PHYSICS 50. Astronomy Laboratory and Observational Astronomy

PHYSICS 100. Introduction to Observational and Laboratory Astronomy


The following courses are for students with a more advanced knowledge of basic physics and mathematics, and form the core courses for a concentration in astrophysics for Physics majors.

EE 106. Planetary Exploration

PHYSICS 160. Introduction to Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics

PHYSICS 161. Introduction to Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology

PHYSICS 169A,B,C. Independent Study in Astrophysics and Honors Thesis: Selection of the Problem


GES 222. Planetary Systems: Dynamics and Origins

PHYSICS 260. Introduction to Astrophysics and Cosmology

PHYSICS 262. Introduction to Gravitation

PHYSICS 301. Observational and Laboratory Astronomy (not given 2009-2010)

PHYSICS 312. Basic Plasma Physics (not given 2009-2010)

PHYSICS 360. Physics of Astrophysics (not given 2009-2010)

PHYSICS 361. Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics (not given 2009-2010)

PHYSICS 362. Advanced Extragalactic Astrophysics and Cosmology (not given 2009-2010)

PHYSICS 363. Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (not given 2009-2010)

PHYSICS 364. Advanced Gravitation (not given 2009-2010)

PHYSICS 463. Special Topics in Astrophysics: Theoretical Cosmology (not given 2009-2010)

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