Provisional Registration
A student who, while on probation, fails in any quarter of registration to earn a minimum of 12 units of new course work by the end of the final examination period or fails to achieve and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0, shall be placed on provisional registration status. In addition, and on occasion, a student may also be placed directly on provisional registration without first being placed on probation if the student has had a prior probation status.
A student shall be removed from provisional registration after three consecutive subsequent quarters of enrollment at the University if, in each quarter, he or she earns a minimum of 12 units of new course work by the end of the final examination period and achieves and maintains a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. A student may also be removed from provisional registration at the discretion of the C-USP Subcommittee on Academic Standing or its designees as a result of a review of individual records.