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A University thesis is required for the Engineer degree. Students have the option of submitting the thesis electronically or via the paper process. Standards for professional presentation of the thesis have been established by the Committee on Graduate Studies. Directions for preparation of the thesis for electronic or paper submission are available at the Office of the University Registrar dissertation/thesis web site at

The deadline for submission of theses for degree conferral in each term is specified by the University academic calendar. if submitting via the paper process, three copies of the thesis, bearing the approval of the adviser under whose supervision it was prepared, must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar before the quarterly deadline listed on the University academic calendar. A fee is charged for binding copies of the paper thesis. If submitting via the electronic process the signed thesis signature page and title page must be submitted to the Student Services Center and one final copy of the thesis must be uploaded, and approved by the Final Reader, on or before the quarterly deadline indicated in the University's academic calendar. There is no fee charged for the electronic submission process.

Students must be registered or on graduation quarter in the term in which they submit the thesis; see "Graduation Quarter" section of this bulletin for additional information. At the time the thesis is submitted, an Application to Graduate must be on file, all department requirements must be complete, and candidacy must be valid through the term of degree conferral.

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