Amount of Work
The usual amount of work for undergraduate students is 15 units per quarter; 180 units (225 for dual degree students) are required for graduation. Registration for fewer than 12 units is rarely permitted and may cause the undergraduate to be ineligible for certification as a full-time student. The maximum is 20 units (21 if the program includes a 1-unit activity course). Requests for exception to the maximum may be considered for compelling reasons, the approval of which may include conditions or restrictions. A past superior academic performance is not considered to be sufficient justification for exceeding the maximum. Petitions for programs of fewer than 12 or more than 20 units must be submitted to the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Sweet Hall, first floor. For additional information regarding satisfactory academic progress, refer to the "Academic Standing" section of this bulletin.
Matriculated graduate students are expected to enroll for at least eight units during the academic year; schools and departments may set a higher minimum. Petitions for programs of fewer than 8 must be signed by the student's department and submitted for consideration to the Office of the University Registrar. Graduate students are normally expected to enroll in no more than 24 units; registration for more than 24 units must be approved by the department. Under certain circumstances, graduate students may register on a part-time basis. See the "Tuition, Fees, and Housing" section of this bulletin.