Minor in Classics
The undergraduate director meets with each student who opts for a minor to discuss curriculum choices and assigns the student an adviser in the relevant field. Students are required to work closely with their advisers to create a cohesive curriculum within each area. Students who minor in Classics are required to take CLASSGEN 176, Majors Seminar, which is writing intensive.
Students may choose among four minors in Classics:
- Classical Languages: students are required to take a minimum of five courses in Greek or in Latin. In addition to the five required courses, students must take CLASSGEN 176, Majors Seminar. Students wishing to combine Greek and Latin may only do so if courses for one of the two languages are all above the 100 level; for example, CLASSGRK 1, 10, plus CLASSLAT 103, 111, 175.
- Ancient History: students are required to take a minimum of five courses in history, art history, and archaeology. Courses listed in the department's cognate course list may be substituted for one or more of these courses with prior written approval from the undergraduate director; written approval must be submitted to the student services officer for inclusion in the student's academic file prior to the end of the term in which the course is taken. In addition to the five required courses, students must take CLASSGEN 176, Majors Seminar. Courses offered in Latin and Greek that focus on historical topics or authors may count toward this minor.
- Literature and Philosophy: students are required to take a minimum of five courses in classical literature or philosophy, including classical science. Courses listed in the department's cognate course list may be substituted for one or more of these courses with prior written approval from the undergraduate director; written approval must be submitted to the student services officer for inclusion in the student's academic file prior to the end of the term in which the course is taken. In addition to the five required courses, students must take CLASSGEN 176, Majors Seminar. Courses offered in Latin and Greek that focus on philosophical or literary topics or authors may count toward the minor.
- Classical Studies: students are required to take a minimum of five courses in Classics (CLASSART, CLASSGEN, CLASSGRK, CLASSHIS, CLASSLAT) plus the majors seminar (CLASSGEN 176). May count up to 4 units of the following: IHUM 39A,B; IHUM 69A; or SLE.