Coterminal B.S./M.S. Program in Geophysics
The Department offers a coterminal M.S. degree for students wishing to obtain more specialized training in Geophysics than is normally possible during study for the B.S. degree alone. An should be considered as the professional degree in Geophysics, and is aimed at students wishing to work in a related industry, or students desiring more focused academic study in the field than the B.S. program allows.
The coterminal M.S. degree in Geophysics is offered in conjunction with any relevant undergraduate program at Stanford. Geophysics students often enter the department with degrees in Earth sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, or other natural science or engineering fields. Any of these are suitable for the coterminal Geophysics program, and interested students are encouraged to discuss their own background with a Geophysics faculty member.
The requirements for entry into the coterminal M.S. program are submission of a transcript, a statement of purpose, and at least one letter of recommendation. Applications with a letter of recommendation from a Geophysics faculty are generally considered the strongest. Additional letters from other academic or work-related persons also strengthen the application. There are no specific GPA requirements for entry, but the Department looks for proven performance in a rigorous undergraduate curriculum as a prerequisite for admission.
Undergraduates with at least junior-level standing may apply, and applications should be submitted by the Autumn Quarter of the senior year. The graduation requirements to obtain the degree are identical to those for the regular Geophysics master's degree. Contact the Department of Geophysics student services officer for additional information.
University requirements for the coterminal M.A. are described in the "Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees" section of this bulletin. For University coterminal degree program rules and University application forms, see