Graduate Programs in Earth Sciences
Admission to the Graduate ProgramA student who wishes to enroll for graduate work in the school must be qualified for graduate standing in the University and also must be accepted by one of the school's four departments or one of the two interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs. One requirement for admission is submission of scores on the verbal and quantitative sections of the Graduate Record Exam. Admission to one department of the school does not guarantee admission to other departments.
Faculty AdviserUpon entering a graduate program, the student should report to the head of the department or program who arranges with a member of the faculty to act as the student's adviser. Alternatively, in several of the departments, advisers are established through student-faculty discussions prior to admission. The student, in consultation with the adviser(s), then arranges a course of study for the first quarter and ultimately develops a complete plan of study for the degree sought.
Financial AidDetailed information on scholarships, fellowships, and research grants is available from the school's individual departments and programs. Applications should be filed by the various dates listed in the application packet for awards that become effective in Autumn Quarter of the following academic year.