Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Program in East Asian Studies
The center admits a limited number of Stanford undergraduates to work for a coterminal M.A. degree in East Asian Studies. Applications are accepted once a year during the regular CEAS M.A. application cycle. The deadline for the 2012-13 academic year is January 10, 2012. Students may apply after completing 120 units, but no later than the quarter prior to the expected completion of the undergraduate degree. Applicants are expected to meet the same standards as those seeking admission to the M.A. program, and they must submit the following directly to the Center's office in 100 Encina Commons:
- a written statement of purpose
- an unofficial Stanford transcript
- three letters of recommendation, at least two of which should be from members of the department of concentration
- first 15 pages of a representative writing sample (seminar paper, term paper, honors thesis, journal article, etc.). Do not submit more than 15 pages.
- copy of scores from the General Test of the Graduate Record Exam (official score should be sent to Stanford's school code 4704)
- a list of courses the applicant intends to take to fulfill degree requirements.
Coterm applications are reviewed along with peer applications by the M.A. Admissions Committee of the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS). See also
Students must meet all requirements for both B.A. and M.A. degrees. They must complete a total of 15 full-time quarters or the equivalent, or three full quarters after completing 180 units for a total of 225 units. Coterms are not eligible for University financial aid, but are eligible to apply for Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships administered by CEAS.
University requirements for the coterminal M.A. are described in the "Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees" section of this bulletin. For University coterminal degree program rules and University application forms, see