Korean Studies Program Prize for Writing in Korean Studies
Application Deadline: May 1, 2012 June 1, 2012
The Korean Studies Program Prize for Writing in Korean Studies recognizes and rewards outstanding examples of writing in
an essay, term paper, or thesis produced during the current academic year in any discipline within the area of Korean
Studies, broadly defined. This competition is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. The prize will be
awarded at a special ceremony in the spring, and the winning essays will be published in the Stanford Journal of East
Asian Affairs. The first place winner will receive a certificate, a copy of the Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs, and $1,000; Honorable mention winner(s) will receive a certificate and a copy of the Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs. Applicants should submit a current CV, their piece of writing (minimum 20 pages double-spaced, Times 12pt., 1″ margins), and one recommendation letter from a Stanford Professor (mailed or emailed directly to CEAS)
Apply by paper to-->John Groschwitz, Associate Director
The Center for East Asian Studies provides limited funding for undergraduate and graduate students across campus interested in East Asian Studies. Eligibility for each type of award varies. Please read the description carefully. Unless otherwise noted, all applications must be received in the CEAS office no later than 5:00 p.m. the day of the stated deadline. If mailing your application materials, send to:
Center for East Asian Studies
615 Crothers Way
100 Encina Commons
Stanford, CA 94305
Campus Mail Code: 6023
Supplementary Grants for Undergraduate Fieldwork
in East Asia
Application Deadline: Rolling applications
The Office of Undergraduate Advising
and Research sponsors several types of grants
designed to support rigorous, independent
undergraduate research in all disciplines. CEAS
provides a small supplement for students who receive
UAR grants. Funds available first-come, first-served
until exhausted. To apply, send your approved
proposal, budget, and confirmation of the UAR
Apply by paper
Liu, Student Services Coordinator
Undergraduate Overseas Language Study
Application Deadline: February 13, 2012
Undergraduate Overseas Language Study Fellowships
provide partial funding to support Stanford
undergraduates who study Chinese, Japanese, or Korean
in a full-time, pre-approved, accredited overseas
language program for a summer session, semester, or
academic year. For detailed program information and
eligibility, download the application guidelines
and the pre-approved language program list.
A Language Study Fellowship recommendation form
should be filled out and provided to your langauge instructor.
The application deadline for the current award period has passed.
Academic-Year East Asia FLAS Fellowships for
Application Deadline: April 30, 2012
Department of Education Foreign Language and Area
Studies (FLAS) Fellowships provide $10,000 in tuition
and $5,000 stipend for undergraduate students in any
discipline for intensive language study at Stanford
during the academic year—at the intermediate
(2nd year) or advanced (3rd year+) level—in
conjunction with international or area studies
courses. Students must enroll in both advanced
language (Chinese, Japanese Korean, or other approved
Asian langauges) and area-studies courses
simultaneously during the entire period of award.
Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or
permanent resident; must complete a 2011-12
application for financial aid by April 15, 2011
before they apply for FLAS; and must be deemed
eligible for at least $15,000 in financial aid to
receive the award. Grants subject to final
approval from the Department of Education. For
detailed program information and eligibility,
download the application guidelines. A
Language Study Fellowship recommendation form should be
filled out and provided to your langauge
Apply online-->Undergraduate Academic-Year East Asia FLAS Fellowships online application
Conference Travel Grants for Current Registered Graduate
Application Deadline: Rolling applications
These ad hoc grants support Stanford graduate
students to present papers at major academic or
professional conferences. Awards of up to $500 are
paid as reimbursement after completion of travel to
offset hotel fees, conference registration, and
travel costs. To apply, download and complete the
application form, and submit to
the Associate Director, with the letter of invitation
and/or acceptance of your paper, and conference
schedule/brochure showing your name as a presenter.
Both U.S. and international students are eligible to
apply. Funds available first-come, first-served until
Apply by paper
John Groschwitz, Associate
Fellowship for the Study of Women in
Application Deadline: February 13, 2012
This competitive fellowship provides $10,000 in
stipend plus three quarters TGR tuition for one
academic year, to support a graduate student at
Stanford conducting dissertation research or write-up
on topics related to women in Asia. Both U.S. and
international students are eligible to apply.
Preference given to Ph.D. candidates. For detailed
program information and eligibility, download the
The application deadline for the current award period has passed.
CEAS Summer Grants
Application Deadline: February 13, 2012
These grants provide continuing registered Stanford M.A. and Ph.D. students funding
for academically related summer work such as formal
language training, required coursework, field work,
dissertation research, or dissertation write-up. Both
U.S. and international students are eligible to
apply. For detailed program information and
eligibility, download the application
The application deadline for the current award period has passed.
Summer East Asia FLAS Fellowships for Graduate
Application Deadline: February 13, 2012
Department of Education Foreign Language and Area
Studies (FLAS) Fellowships provide tuition and
stipend for continuing registered Stanford students in M.A. or Ph.D. programs who
plan to undertake intensive advanced language study
in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean during the summer
quarter, either at Stanford or an approved overseas
institution, in conjunction with area studies
courses. Students must enroll in both advanced
language and area-studies courses simultaneously
during the entire period of award. Applicants
must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to
apply. Grants subject to final approval from
the Department of Education. For detailed program
information and eligibility, download the application
The application deadline for the current award period has passed.
Academic-Year East Asia FLAS Fellowships for
Graduate Students
Application Deadline: February 13, 2012
Department of Education Foreign Language and Area
Studies (FLAS) Fellowships provide tuition and
stipend for students in M.A. or Ph.D. programs who
plan to undertake intensive advanced language study
in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean during the academic
year, either at Stanford or an approved overseas
institution, in conjunction with area studies
courses. Application is open both to current students as well as those concurrently applying to a graduate program at Stanford. Students must enroll in both advanced
language and area-studies courses simultaneously
during the entire period of award. Applicants
must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident to
apply. Grants subject to final approval from
the Department of Education. For detailed program
information and eligibility, download the application
guidelines. Open to continuing Stanford graduate students in all disciplines. Open to prospective students only in the East Asian Studies M.A. program.
The application deadline for the current award period has passed.
CEAS M.A. Student Summer Internships
Application Deadline: February 13, 2012
Open to CEAS M.A. students only. CEAS provides limited funding to support summer
internships in Asia for continuing M.A. students (students graduating in the spring before the internship are not eligible).
Awards will provide $3,500-$6,000 in stipend support
for unpaid internships with private companies,
government agencies, and NGOs in Asia for a period of
6-12 weeks. To be eligible to receive funding, you
must: 1) be a continuing CEAS student (i.e. not
graduating at the end of summer quarter); 2) have the
necessary language skills to live and work in the
host country; and 3) commit to full-time work with
the host organization during the agreed period.
Students may identify a host organization on their
own, or request help from CEAS in securing a host.
CEAS does not guarantee the availability of
internship positions in your preferred industry.
Visit the East Asia Internships page for more information about applications and host organizations.
The application deadline for the current award period has passed.
CEAS M.A. Student Research Travel Grants
Application Deadline: March 16, 2012
Open to CEAS M.A. students only. These competitive travel grants support continuing CEAS M.A.
students to travel abroad for research in conjunction
with their M.A. Thesis project. Up to 8 awards of
$1,500 each will be awarded each year. To apply, submit a
one-page research proposal and budget, with advisor
signature to the Associate Director.
Apply by paper
John Groschwitz, Associate
CEAS M.A. Continuing Student Academic-Year
Application Deadline: April 30, 2012
CEAS allocates a small amount of funding for
continuing M.A. students in the form of tuition-only
fellowships, or in some cases tuition plus small
stipend for up to three quarters. These awards are
designed to help students "finish up" their degree
requirements, not as a means to extend time in the
program. View the detailed application guidelines for
more information. Open to CEAS M.A. students
only. To apply, submit a funding application,
statement of purpose, and current transcript to the
Associate Director.
Apply by paper
John Groschwitz, Associate