“A JEWISH VOICE FROM OTTOMAN SALONICA: THE LADINO MEMOIR OF SA’ADI BESALEL A-LEVI” BOOK LAUNCH (Edited by Aron Rodrigue and Sarah Abrevaya Stein) Stanford University Press, 2012 Tuesday, May 29, 2012...
More than 100 entries were received in this year's Student Photo Contest sponsored by the Division of International, Comparative and Area Studies (ICA). The photographic subjects ranged from the...
The Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies offers congratulations to the 2011-12 Student Grant Recipients. Mohammad Ali (J.D. Student, Law School) for fieldwork in Pakistan on the impact...
The Center for African Studies and the Center for South Asia are offering fellowships this summer for Stanford students. The Center for African Studies and Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) in...
The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) administers the FLAS fellowships for graduate and undergraduate students pursuing language training in advanced Portuguese, beginning or intermediate...