About Islamic Studies at Stanford
The Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, part of Stanford’s Division of International, Comparative and Area Studies (ICA) is the central forum for interdisciplinary research and teaching in Islamic Studies at Stanford University. It seeks to facilitate and promote the study of Islamic cultures and societies, including history from the beginnings of Islam [...]
Watch: Panel on Faith and Democracy
- Recent Publications by Prof. Robert Crews
- Dreams, Empire, and Sufism
- Afghanistan-Pakistan
- Burçak Keskin-Kozat: Dear Dalia, In addition to the Abbasi Program in I...
- Dalia Kandiyoti: Hello. Would you please let me know who is organiz...
- Paloma: Dear Vincent: Thank you very much for your frie...
- Vincent Barletta: Thanks very much for your comment! For a more soli...
- Paloma: Dear madam/sir: First of all sorry for my terri...

Abbasi Program Podcast on iTunes U
Listen to our lectures and workshops on iTunes U, or ...
Abbasi Program Talks on Vimeo
Watch the Abbasi Program Vimeo Channel, with video recordings of ...
Program Highlights

Watch: Panel on Faith and Democracy
The third installment of We the People: Islam and U.S. ...
Recent Publications by Prof. Robert Crews
Professor Robert Crews (Department of History) has recently published two ...
Dreams, Empire, and Sufism
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Özgen Felek charts the ascendance of ...