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Human Biology

Emeriti: (Professors) Clifford Barnett (Anthropological Sciences), Doug Brutlag (Biochemistry), Luigi Cavalli-Sforza (Genetics), Christos Constantinou (Urology), Carl Djerassi (Chemistry), Sanford Dornbusch (Sociology), Stanley Falkow (Microbiology/Immunology), Shirley Feldman (Associate Director), Ute Francke (Genetics), Albert H. Hastorf (Psychology), Dale Kaiser (Biochemistry), Herant Katchadourian (Human Biology), Donald Kennedy (Biology), Carol Winograd (Medicine)

Director: Carol Boggs (Biology)

Associate Director: Katherine Preston

Professors: Russ Altman (Applied Biomedical Engineering), Laurence Baker (Health Research and Policy), Ben Barres (Neurobiology), Lisa Curran (Anthropology), William H. Durham (Anthropology), Heidi Feldman (Pediatrics: Neonatology), Russell D. Fernald (Biology), Paul Fisher (Neurology), Margaret Fuller (Developmental Biology), Rona Giffard (Anesthesia), Lawrence H. Goulder (Economics), James Gross (Psychology), H. Craig Heller (Biology), Paula Hillard (Obstetrics and Gynecology), Patricia Jones (Biology), Terence Ketter (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences), Richard Klein (Biology, Anthropology), Amy Ladd (Orthopaedic Surgery), Helen Longino (Philosophy), Tanya Luhrmann (Anthropology), Yvonne Maldonado (Pediatrics: Infectious Diseases), Michael Marmor (Ophthalmology), Gordon Matheson (Orthopaedic Surgery), Robert Negrin ( Medicine: Blood and Marrow Transplantation), Roeland Nusse (Developmental Biology), Amado Padilla (Education), Julie Parsonnet (Medicine: Infectious Diseases), Thomas Rando (Neurology), Natalie Rasgon (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences), Thomas Robinson (Pediatrics), Lee Ross (Psychology), Robert Sapolsky (Neurology and Neurological Sciences and of Neurosurgery, Biology), Kenneth Schultz (Political Science), Matthew Scott (Developmental Biology), William Talbot (Developmental Biology), Lucy Tompkins (Infectious Diseases), Shripad Tuljapurkar (Biology), Jeffrey Wine (Psychology), Paul Wise (Pediatrics), Arthur P. Wolf (Anthropological Sciences)

Associate Professors: Jayanta Bhattacharya (Medicine), Rebecca Bird (Anthropology), Firdaus Dhabhar (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences), Dean Felsher (Medicine: Oncology), Anne Fernald (Psychology), James Fox (Anthropology), Garry Gold (Diagnostic Radiology), Brenda Golianu (Anesthesia), James Jones (Anthropology), Brian Knutson (Psychology), Sean Mackey (Anesthesia), Jose Montoya (Infectious Diseases), John Rick (Anthropology), Randall Stafford (Stanford Prevention Research Center), Anthony Wagner (Psychology), Nancy Wang (Surgery: Emergency)

Assistant Professors: Daniel Garza (Orthopedic Surgery), Samuel McClure (Psychology), Norman G. Miller (Medicine), Jelena Obradovic (Education), Anna Penn (Pediatrics: Neonatology), Jamie Zeitzer (Psychiatry)

Professor (Research): Marcia Stefanick (Stanford Prevention Research Center)

Associate Professors (Research): Christopher Gardner (Stanford Prevention Research Center), David Katzenstein (Medicine: Infectious Diseases), David Lyons (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)

Assistant Professor (Research): Scott Hall (Interdisciplinary Brain Science Research)

Professors (Teaching): Carol Boggs (Biology), David Magnus (Pediatrics), Ellen Porzig (Developmental Biology)

Associate Professors (Teaching): Donald Barr (Pediatrics), Catherine Heaney (Psychology), Eunice Rodriguez (Pediatrics), Robert Siegel (Microbiology and Immunology)

Clinical Professors: Nancy Morioka-Douglas (Medicine: Family and Community Medicine), Laraine Zappert (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)

Clinical Associate Professors: Mary Therese Jacobson (Obstetrics and Gynecology), Katherine Williams (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)

Clinical Assistant Professors: Cynthia Nguyen (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences), Rita Popat (Health Research and Policy, Epidemiology), Daryn Reicherter (Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences)

Senior Research Associates: Wesley F. Alles (Medicine: Stanford Prevention Research Center), Douglas Bird (Anthropology)

Other Teaching Faculty and Staff: William Abrams, Maya Adam-Seef, Susan Charnley, Judy Chu, Gerda Endemann, Anne Firth-Murray, Anne Friedlander, Ronald Garcia (Center for Excellence), Renu Heller (Biology), Alan Launer, Donald Light, Michael Mastrandrea (Woods Institute),Lisa Medoff , Tania Mitchell (Ctr for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Denise Monack (Microbiology and Immunology), Katherine Preston, Noa Pinter-Wollman, Lisa Goldman Rosas (Medicine: Stanford Prevention Research Center), Lynn Rothschild, Merritt Ruhlen (Anthropology), Daniel Salkeld (Anthropology), Darvin Scott Smith (Microbiology and Immunology), Szonja Szelenyi (Institute for Research in the Social Sciences), Jennifer Wolf (School of Education), Nathan Wolfe, Larry Zaroff

Course Associates: Autumn Albers, Anna Grummon, Sami Hartley, Rebecca LaGrandeur, Ariel Marcy, Ron Pomper, Dane Saksa, Timothy Wolfe

Honors Chair: Katherine Preston

Program Offices: Building 20

Mail Code: 94305-2160

Phone: (650) 725-0336

Email: [email protected] (Student Services)

Web Site:

Courses offered by the Program in Human Biology are listed under the subject code HUMBIO on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.

The program offers a Bachelor of Arts in Human Biology, as well as a minor and an honors program.

Mission of the Undergraduate Program in Human Biology

The mission of the undergraduate program in Human Biology is to provide students with an interdisciplinary approach to understanding human beings from biological, behavioral, social, and cultural perspectives. Courses in the major allow students to see connections and parallels with other fields as they learn to formulate and evaluate health, environmental, and other public policies issues that influence human welfare. The program prepares majors to pursue advanced training in professional or graduate programs.

To achieve these goals, all students complete a 30-unit core sequence, normally in the sophomore year, that provides the foundation for the major. Also during the sophomore year, students consult with student advisers to choose a faculty adviser and complete the declaration process. Together they plan a road map of course work designed to help each student focus on an area of interest within Human Biology. Early planning and subsequent refining of an individualized course of study, in consultation with student and faculty advisers, is a strength and requirement of the program. The curriculum draws on faculty from across the University. To complete a B.A. in Human Biology, students must take courses from within the program and from other University departments. Most Human Biology majors go on to advanced training in professional schools, or graduate programs in the behavioral, natural, and social sciences, including coterminal master's degree programs in other University departments. Additional information about the major may be obtained from the program's offices or at


The program expects its undergraduate majors to be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are used in evaluating students and the Program in Human Biology. Students are expected to demonstrate:

  1. ability to acquire and synthesize scientific information from a variety of sources.
  2. ability to apply analytical tools to evaluate policy.
  3. ability to interpret knowledge in meaningful and appropriate ways as they draw conclusions about the significance of their findings.
  4. ability to communicate their scientific ideas clearly and persuasively.


Human Biology has an advising program comprising faculty and student advisers. Before declaring Human Biology as the undergraduate major, each student must meet with one of six student advisers who assist in developing a coherent study plan based on an individualized area of concentration, and the selection of foundation, concentration, and upper-division courses. The student advisers also assist students in selecting an appropriate faculty adviser and a suitable internship for their area of concentration and career goals. Student advisers offer drop-in services during scheduled office hours every weekday and some evenings. The student advisers also sponsor events including the Internship Faire, Beyond HumBio, and declaration workshops. To maintain high standards of advising that respond to the needs of individual students, student advisers meet weekly with the program's faculty advising chairs and the student services coordinator to review the program's policies and specific student inquiries and petitions concerning the program.

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