Mission Statement

The Program in Human Biology is an interschool, interdepartmental, undergraduate major. The program's mission is to provide an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the human being from biological, behavioral, social, and cultural perspectives....
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Humbio News

Faculty Seed Grants: Innovation in Teaching and Researching Online Courses (VPOL

Humbio Alum Jason Dunford competed for Kenya in the 100M Breaststroke and got as far as the semifinals.  His time (52.16) was less than a second behind the time of gold medal winner Michael Phelps!  

This reflects Don Kennedy's work in Human Biology, the Goldman seminar, Biology and elsewhere over his career (to date!) at Stanford, and is richly deserved. 

If you missed Bob Siegel's Award-Winning Teachers on Teaching Lecture today, it was being videotaped, so I will post a link when it becomes available.  In the meantime, here is a link to his introductory poem...Also, check out the exhibit of his student's models at the Cantor Museum now.

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Funds, Fellowships and Prizes
Student Advisors


Advisor Calendar

The Human Biology Student Advisors (SAs) can be found in Room 21A of the Human Biology Building (Bldg. 20).

Phone and Voicemail . . . . . . . .725-0341
SA Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Send here!

AUTUMN 2012-13 HUMBIO Internship Poster Presentation, Thurs., 10/4/12 @ Citrus Courtyard by HUMBIO, Noon Hour & 4-5 pm

Stop by to see what Human Biology students have been doing for their Internships - find out how they found theirs!

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Humbio Course Announcements

HUMBIO Course Announcements for the Current Academic Year (and beyond/as they happen!).  For details on the HumBio courses listed below please link here: explorecourses.stanford.edu

RETURNING for Autumn '12-13!
HumBio 176 - The Impact of Infectious Diseases on Human History (Falkow, S; Tompkins, L.)

NEW for Autumn '12-13!
HumBio 177C - Culture, Narrative, and Medicine (Murphy-Shigematsu)

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Internship Units

Questions about UNITS and signing up in AXESS are answered HERE.

Alumni Mentoring

Interested in sharing your life perspective and serving as a mentor to Humbio students? Please sign up for Stanford Alumni Mentoring (SAM). Alumni can register to become mentors throughout the year at https://sam.stanford.edu.

Human Biology Newsletter

Mailing Address

Program in Human Biology

450 Serra Mall, Building 20
Stanford, CA 94305-2160
650-725-5451 Fax