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Thematic Concentration in Public Service

The Public Service thematic concentration is open to students in any major in the Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Undergraduate Program. The concentration allows a student to develop an area of study focused on community development, public service, and social change. Studying how issues of race and ethnicity impact and are impacted by community and social problems, this concentration is designed to ensure that students interested in service and community have access to a structured curriculum that provides a solid grounding in the theory and practice of community and civic engagement in order to provide the skills and experiences that enable students to become leaders and actors in the sphere of public life.

Students who wish to pursue a thematic concentration in public service must organize their studies to include 15 units, including two approved CSRE core courses and CSRE 200X: Senior Seminar (WIM), taken Autumn Quarter of the senior year. Public Service concentration students should also prepare to complete 25 units (at least 5 courses) relevant to the theme of public service. Three of these courses should include a service learning component (i.e., require the student to participate in service in the local community as a central component to the course).

Students who select a thematic concentration in public service must complete an internship as part of their program of study. This internship can be completed during the academic year for credit or during the summer, but must be at least 300 hours.

Finally, students who pursue the concentration in public service should select a topic for their senior paper or honors thesis that reflects their interest in community work (i.e., service or organizing) or a community issue or concern that is addressed through public service.

This concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this thematic concentration should contact the CSRE Undergraduate Program Office for details about its requirements.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements for the Public Service thematic concentration:

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