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Iberian and Latin American Cultures Course Catalog Numbering System

WIM indicates that the course satisfies the Writing in the Major requirements.

Students interested in literary studies should also consult course listings in the departments of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Classics, Comparative Literature, English, French and Italian, German Studies, and Slavic Languages and Literatures, in the Program in Modern Thought and Literature, and in the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages.


  1. Stanford Introductory Seminars, freshman and sophomore preference (suffix of N or Q)
  2. Courses in Literature and Culture (100-399)
    1. Undergraduate Courses (100-199)
    2. Courses for Advanced Undergraduates and Graduates (200-299)

      Iberian Literature (200-239)

      Latin American Literature, including Brazil (240-279)

      Latino/Chicano Literature (280-298)

      Individual Work (299)

  3. Graduate Seminars (300-399)

    Iberian Literature (300-339)

    Latin American and Brazilian Literature (340-379)

    Chicano Literature (380-398)

    Individual Work (399)

    Dissertation Research (802)

Courses bearing the suffix 'E' are taught in English and do not assume competence in another language. All other courses require some knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese, and may be given in those languages or bilingually.

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