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Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics

The University's basic requirements for the doctorate (residence, dissertation, examinations, etc.) are discussed in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin. The following are specific departmental requirements.

To be admitted to candidacy, the student must have successfully completed 27 units of graduate courses (that is, courses numbered 200 and above). In addition, the student must pass qualifying examinations given by the department.

Beyond the requirements for candidacy, the student must complete a course of study approved by the Graduate Affairs Committee of the Department of Mathematics and submit an acceptable dissertation. In accordance with University requirements, Ph.D. students must complete a total of 135 course units beyond the bachelor's degree. These courses should be Department of Mathematics courses or approved courses from other departments. The course program should display substantial breadth in mathematics outside the student's field of application. The student must receive a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) or better in courses used to satisfy the Ph.D. requirement. In addition, the student must pass the Department area examination and the University oral examination.

Experience in teaching is emphasized in the Ph.D. program. Each student is required to complete nine quarters of such experience. The nature of the teaching assignment for each of those quarters is determined by the department in consultation with the student. Typical assignments include teaching or assisting in teaching an undergraduate course or lecturing in an advanced seminar.

For further information concerning degree programs, fellowships, and assistantships, inquire of the academic associate of the department.

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