MATSCI 10SC: Diamonds from Peanut Butter: Material Technologies and Human History
Technological importance of materials in history is captured in names: the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, and now the Information Age or the Silicon Age. How materials have played, and continue to play, pivotal roles in the development of new technologies.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 2
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
MATSCI 11SC: Energy Technologies for a Sustainable Future
Wondering what the buzz is about sustainability, renewable energy, and clean fuels? Meeting the world's growing energy needs in a sustainable fashion is one of the most pressing problems of our time. This class will introduce the scope of the energy problem and define some of the options for sustainable energy. We will look into the scientific basis of sustainable energy technologies, such as solar cells, which convert the energy of the sun directly into electricity, and fuel cells, which convert chemical energy directly into electricity. Other topics will include biofuels, i.e., fuel derived from plant matter, and clean fuels such as hydrogen. The course will emphasize the fundamental science behind the devices and highlight some of the cutting-edge technological issues that are currently being explored. Assigned reading will include books on global energy issues as well as technical reading on the science and engineering of sustainable energy technologies. We will visit several local energy-technology companies, and students will have hands-on lab experience with solar cells, fuel cells, and generators. Students are expected to participate in classroom discussions, attend field trips, carry out laboratory experiments, and complete homework assignments, including a term paper.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 2
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
MATSCI 81N: Bioengineering Materials to Heal the Body
Preference to freshmen. How scientists and engineers are designing new materials for surgeon to use in replacing body parts such as heart tissue or the spinal cord. How cells, in the body and transplanted stem cells, communicate with implanted materials. Real-world examples of materials developed for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine therapies. Students identify a clinically important disease or injury that requires a better material, research approaches to the problem, and debate possible engineering solutions.
Terms: not given this year
Units: 3
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
MATSCI 82N: Science of the Impossible
Imagine a world where cancer is cured with light, objects can be made invisible, and teleportation is allowed through space and time. The future once envisioned by science fiction writers is now becoming a reality, thanks to advances in materials science and engineering. This seminar will explore `impossible¿ technologies - those that have shaped our past and those that promise to revolutionize the future. Attention will be given to both the science and the societal impact of these technologies. We will begin by investigating breakthroughs from the 20th century that seemed impossible in the early 1900s, such as the invention of integrated circuits and the discovery of chemotherapy. We will then discuss the scientific breakthroughs that enabled modern `impossible¿ science, such as photodynamic cancer therapeutics, invisibility, and mind-reading through advanced brain imaging. Lastly, we will explore technologies currently perceived as completely impossible and brainstorm the breakthroughs needed to make such science fiction a reality. The course will include introductory lectures and in-depth conversations based on readings. Students will also be given the opportunity to lead class discussions on a relevant `impossible science¿ topic of their choosing.
Terms: Spr
Units: 3
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Dionne, J. (PI)
MATSCI 100: Undergraduate Independent Study
Independent study in materials science under supervision of a faculty member.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-3
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Barnett, D. (PI)
Bravman, J. (PI)
Brongersma, M. (PI)
Clemens, B. (PI)
more instructors for MATSCI 100 »
Barnett, D. (PI)
Bravman, J. (PI)
Brongersma, M. (PI)
Clemens, B. (PI)
Cui, Y. (PI)
Dauskardt, R. (PI)
Dionne, J. (PI)
Heilshorn, S. (PI)
Lindenberg, A. (PI)
McGehee, M. (PI)
McIntyre, P. (PI)
Melosh, N. (PI)
Prinz, F. (PI)
Reed, E. (PI)
Salleo, A. (PI)
Sinclair, R. (PI)
Wang, S. (PI)
MATSCI 150: Undergraduate Research
Participation in a research project.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 3-6
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Barnett, D. (PI)
Bravman, J. (PI)
Brongersma, M. (PI)
Clemens, B. (PI)
more instructors for MATSCI 150 »
Barnett, D. (PI)
Bravman, J. (PI)
Brongersma, M. (PI)
Clemens, B. (PI)
Cui, Y. (PI)
Dauskardt, R. (PI)
Dionne, J. (PI)
Feigelson, R. (PI)
Heilshorn, S. (PI)
Lindenberg, A. (PI)
McGehee, M. (PI)
McIntyre, P. (PI)
Melosh, N. (PI)
Nix, W. (PI)
Prinz, F. (PI)
Reed, E. (PI)
Salleo, A. (PI)
Sinclair, R. (PI)
Wang, S. (PI)
MATSCI 151: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties (MATSCI 251)
Primarily for students without a materials background. Mechanical properties and their dependence on microstructure in a range of engineering materials. Elementary deformation and fracture concepts, strengthening and toughening strategies in metals and ceramics. Topics: dislocation theory, mechanisms of hardening and toughening, fracture, fatigue, and high-temperature creep. Prerequisite:
ENGR 50 or equivalent.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3-4
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Dauskardt, R. (PI)
MATSCI 152: Electronic Materials Engineering
Materials science and engineering for electronic device applications. Kinetic molecular theory and thermally activated processes; band structure and electrical conductivity of metals and semiconductors; intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors; diffusion; elementary p-n junction theory; operating principles of metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors. Semiconductor processing including crystal growth, oxidation kinetics, ion implantation, thin film deposition, etching, and photolithography. Prerequisite:
ENGR 50 or equivalent.
Terms: Spr
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Dionne, J. (PI)
MATSCI 153: Nanostructure and Characterization
The structure of materials at the nanoscale is in most cases the same crystalline form as the natural phase. Structures of materials such as semiconductors, ceramics, metals, and nanotubes; classification of these materials according to the principles of crystallography. Primary methods of structural characterization, X-ray diffraction, and electron microscopy; their applications to study such nanostructures.
Terms: Win
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Kempen, P. (PI)
MATSCI 154: Thermodynamics of Energy Conversions at the Nanoscale
The principles of thermodynamics applied to the conversion of energy between light, heat, electricity, and chemical bonds. Modifications to thermodynamic phenomena, such as phase equilibria, when the material dimension approaches the nanometer length scale.
Terms: Spr
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Chueh, W. (PI)
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