Welcome to E-IPER
Stanford University's Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources trains the next generation of scholars and leaders to address the world's most challenging environmental and sustainability problems. Selected students may pursue a PhD in Environment and Resources or a Joint Masters of Science, the latter exclusively in conjunction with a professional degree in Stanford's Graduate School of Business, Stanford Law School, and School of Medicine. E-IPER's Affiliated Faculty come from all seven schools at Stanford.
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News Clips
Read about our alumni, students' summer adventures, and more news in E-IPER's Autumn 2011 Newsletter.
E-IPER Affiliated Faculty member Gretchen Daily received one of three Biodiversity Awards given annually by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.
Upcoming Events
San Francisco, CA
E-IPER's Joint MS students present their Capstone Projects at our Autumn Symposium.
Palo Alto Green Waste Composting Facility. Regional water quality control plant long-range facilities plan
Rural families, communities, and cities: On the making of social-ecological complexity in the Amazon
Biogeochemical upheavals at the end of the last ice age
E-IPER Spotlight
Where can you learn about about "green" clothes and accessories; clean energy in China and Brazil; community farms, vegetable consumption, and wine production; or cloud brightening and hazing....all tied up with entrepreneurial business plans, complex international laws, and innovative communication strategies?
E-IPER's Joint MS students will present their Capstone Projects at our Autumn 2011 Symposium on Friday, December 9th, from 1:30-5 pm, in Y2E2 299. Join us for all or part of the Symposium and come by our Holiday Open House in Y2E2 226 afterwards.
See E-IPER Events for more ...
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