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Faculty and Staff

Commencement 2009 (l to r): Buzz Thompson, Law; Robert Dunbar, EESS, Pamela Matson, Earth Sciences Dean; Kimberly Nicolas, PhD '09; Peter Vitousek, Biology and E-IPER Faculty Director; Chris Field, Carnegie; Geoff Shester, PhD '09.

Welcome, E-IPER Faculty! This gateway points you to resources that may be useful for advising E-IPER students and that will keep you up to date on what's happening in the E-IPER community.



Check out our new advising guidelines for PhD and Joint MS students, developed to address issues unique to advising interdisciplinary students. The Vice Provost for Graduate Education has many great advising resources, including a practical tool for discussing your advising expectations with your students. We've also developed advising resources through our Navigating Interdisciplinary Waters project, described in more detail on our Advising Resources page. Let us know if you have ideas to make advising E-IPER students a more positive experience for you.

Degree Progress

Find the current requirements documents for PhD and Joint MS students and various forms and other resources on our Requirements and Forms page.


Recruit an E-IPER student to be a teaching assistant or to help develop a new course. Send us information about courses you're teaching so we can circulate to our students.  Let us know about courses that should be added to our Joint MS Course Tracks or our PhD Focal Areas.


Read your profile on our faculty pages and let us know if you want to make any changes. 


Read recent News about your colleagues and our recent newsletter stories. Let us know what's happening in your research community by sending us your news items: publications, awards, media coverage, etc. 

General Stanford Resources

Academic Calendar: important dates to help you plan ahead
Faculty Handbook: guidelines for faculty
Office of Research Administration: administrative processes related to sponsored research and capital equipment
Research Policy Handbook: the conduct of research at Stanford
GAP Handbook: graduate academic policies and procedures

Earth Sciences faculty may want to check out the extensive resources on the School's faculty gateway.