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Jun 20 2012

Carbon capture and storage likely to cause earthquakes, say Stanford researchers

Stanford geophysicists say earthquakes triggered by underground CO2 storage, while probably too small to cause major damage, could release stored CO2 into the atmosphere.

May 23 2012

Coming to your computer — a crowd-sourcing approach to earthquake detection (VIDEO)earthquakes, sensors, QCN,

It’s 3:32 on a Tuesday afternoon.  You’re in the office, staring at your computer but pining for a coffee break.  The screen starts to shiver, the desk rumbles and the shaking under your feet sends ripples of recognition up to your brain: It’s an earthquake.

What’s the first thing you do?


May 4 2012

California Earthquake Warning System Stymied By Budget Shortfall

A system giving Californians warning of an impending earthquake may not be operational any time soon despite the success of similar programs in other countries.

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Geophysics Spotlight

Commencement 2012

Congratulations to the 2012 Geophysics Graduates. See more commencement pictures.