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Have you moved?

Update your information by contacting Associate Director of Development Mona Tekchandani.


Moving On: Spring 2010 PhDs: (l to r) Justin Warren, Carolyn Snyder, Kate Brauman, Mike Hooper, and Hilary Schaffer Boudet

Welcome, Alumni and Friends! Enter this gateway to find out what's happening in E-IPER and the Stanford environmental community at large and to stay in touch with us.



Read about students' work and achievements in our recent newsletter and featured stories. Learn more about environment and sustainability work around campus in the Stanford Report and Woods Institute for the Environment. Submit an update for our next newsletter.


Find out about Stanford, Earth Sciences, and E-IPER events. Let us know about events you're involved in that might be of interest to our students and faculty.


Get updated on what E-IPER people are doing. Check out your profile on our alumni pages and send us updates, news, and pictures to keep your profile current.


Let us know your current contact information so we can keep our alumni network active. Give a seminar or host an informal networking lunch or coffee next time you're on campus.


Send us information about job opportunities our students and alumni might be interested in. And check out the information on our Career Resources page.