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I discovered what work-life was like in Spain and what it meant to work for a small business. I also came to know people from across the globe with whom I worked and with whom we shared office space. It was a melting pot of friendly people who helped me feel at home and who most made me sad to leave.Eliana’s Profile
My newfound appreciation for the Spanish way of life has greatly enriched my Stanford experience, and I know it will continue to do so for years to come.Nick's Profile
The Bing Overseas Studies Program in Madrid will be changing the language prerequisite for the program during the 2012-13 academic year. Participants must have completed SPANLANG 13C, 13R OR SPANLANG 25C in order to go on the program for the 2012 -13 academic year. For the 2011-12 academic year the prerequisite will remain at SPANLANG 3 or SPANLANG 2A.