Research & Internships
Internship Opportunities
Krupp Internship Program
As a participant in the Stanford Program in Berlin, you are eligible for placement
in the Krupp Internship Program. This internship is made possible by a grant
from the German Krupp Foundation (Alfried
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung),
and provides the opportunity for practical experience in a given profession,
as well as the chance to continue to live and experience Germany on a day-to-day
A monthly stipend covers students' housing, food, and other living expenses.
Over 500 students have taken advantage of these full-time, paid internship placements in a German host institution, which can take place in any quarter following a quarter of enrollment in the Stanford Program in Berlin one the language requirement (one year of college-level German) has been completed. The Internship Coordinator in Berlin works closely with you to determine a placement that will be fulfilling and rewarding. Internships take place in both rural or urban environments throughout Germany; host institutions range from small companies to large corporations, non-profit organizations and government offices to theaters and museums.
Internships for all fields of study are available year-round. After completing your studies in Berlin and fulfilling the language requirement, you can do an internship lasting anywhere from three to six months. Students often further extend their stay with a subsequent research grant from Stanford (see below), and quite a few students have returned to Germany after graduation to work for their host firm.
For more information on the internship program and previous internship placements see
Top of pageResearch Opportunities
Culture and Politics in Modern Germany
The course specifically prepares students to conduct research on German topics, but any second-quarter student with sufficient academic preparation and focus can conduct research under the guidance of a faculty mentor in the field; research proposals must be submitted one month before the quarter commences so that the Director of the Berlin Program can locate an appropriate advisor. Another exciting research option is to conduct intensive
research as a Krupp intern in a relevant local institution. Depending upon the
nature of the selected topic, research activity may take place in libraries,
archives, research institutes and/or in the field. Many students elect to use
this research opportunity to prepare for honors work when they return to the
Stanford campus. You should plan well ahead for any research projects in order
to meet all relevant deadlines.
Student Grants for Research Overseas
Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR) administers several grants that can support research overseas, including the Quarterly and Major Grants. Help to prepare for the grant competitions is available via email. For deadlines, directions, and specific policies regarding off-campus research, please visit the UAR student grants website.
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