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What I Did in Cape Town …

Current Student Advisor Profiles

Brittani Kindle — Spring 2011-2012

MAJOR: English

There is no simple way for me to tell people, what I did while abroad. I could focus on interactions with people, activities I did, classes I took, lessons I learned, or I can honestly just say I had the best 3 months of my life.Read full profile »
Marcus Leaks — Spring 2011-2012

MAJOR: Psychology

Taking courses in Cape Town forced me to analyze my own preconceived notions about public service, social justice, and the effects of foreign aid. My professors challenged me to reflect on my own identity as an outsider coming into a new cultural context and think about my “Americanness” as an asset rather than a liability in order to engage with the issues in this country.Read full profile »

Past Student Advisors

Elaine Albertson — Spring 2009-10

MAJOR: Earth Systems CoTerm (BS/MS)

ACADEMIC INTERESTS: Food Systems, Urban Development, Gender Studies, Foreign Languages
MINOR: Modern Languages (French and Spanish)
Cape Town is a city which drives me crazy with its contradictions: beautiful yet impoverished, ‘hectic’ (to use a South African term) yet peaceful, empowering yet painfully challenging at times. This country is in constant flux. For anyone who has been going to school in America I think South Africa can be a pleasantly stimulating, exciting, and dynamic place to live.Read full profile »


Amy Showen — Spring 2010-2011

MAJOR: Human Biology

“What were your expectations about South Africa?” This was the question most commonly posed to me by South African minitaxi drivers as we careened through the streets of Cape Town, with twenty-plus passengers, strangers perched on each other’s laps, in a small van that literally bumped to its own music.Read full profile »
Allison Bayani — Winter and Spring Quarters, 2009-2010

MAJOR: American Studies

MINOR: Creative Writing

ACADEMIC INTERESTS: Civil Rights Development
Studying in Cape Town gave me insights and experiences that I never could have gotten, never even conceived, if I hadn’t actually been there to experience them myself. No book, no matter how well written, and no photographs, no matter how vivid, will ever be a substitute for being in a particular place, in a particular time.Read full profile »
Racquel Enad — Spring 2010

MAJOR: Human Biology

ACADEMIC INTERESTS: Global Public Health, Women’s Health, Public Service
“Indescribable” is the first word that comes into mind when I think of Cape Town. To be completely honest, I have trouble writing things like this, because there are so many things I could share, but I do not even know where to begin. There are no words, but too many at the same time. So here is my attempt to write about (and condense!) something as “indescribable” as my time abroad in Cape Town. Read full profile »


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