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Program Locations


Meet the Faculty

Classes at the Berlin Program are taught by local faculty, the Center Director, and by one Stanford Faculty in Residence per quarter. Many professors hold regular appointments at German universities or have served in prominent positions in policy organizations, research institutes, and editorial boards. Courses are taught in English during autumn and winter quarters and a mix of English and German during spring quarter.

Upcoming Faculty-in-Residence

Quarter Professor Department
Autumn 2012-13 Regina Casper Psychiatry and Behavioral Science (Emerita)
Winter 2012-13 Orrin Robinson German Studies
Spring 2012-13 Paul DeMarinis Art and Art History
Autumn 2013-14 Charlotte Fonrobert Religious Studies
Winter 2013-14 Adrian Daub German Studies
Spring 2013-14

Edward Carryer

Sheri Sheppard

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

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Local Faculty

photo of Maria E. Biege
Maria E. Biege
Associate Director, Stanford Program in Berlin
Language Instructor
In addition to serving as Associate Director for the Stanford Program in Berlin, Maria is a German instructor and coordinator of the language program. Maria studied at the Friedrich Wilhelm-Universität Bonn and at Stanford University (1976 - 1982, M.A. in 1978). Maria currently teaches the Advanced German course (OSPBERLIN 101B).
Students can be in touch with Maria concerning:
  • Language program, language partners/Tandems
  • Mentors for E40, E50 and other technical courses
  • Events at the Center, Bing Field Trip
  • Creative Writing
Dr. Camilla Bork
Recent publications include:
  • Im Zeichen des Expressionismus, Kompositionen Paul Hindemiths im Kontext des Franfurter Kulturlebens um 1920, Mainz 2006.
  • Musikalische Analyse und kulturelle Kontextualisierung. Festschrift zu Ehren Reinhold Brinkmanns, hrsg. v. Tobias Bllek und Camilla Bork, Druck i.V.
  • A Laboratory of Modernity: Concert and Concerto in 19th Century German (Winter Quarter 2008-09)
photo of Dr. Ulrich Brueckner
Dr. Ulrich Brueckner
Uli has studied political science, German Literature, and European Studies in Wuerzburg and Berlin. His field of interest is European integration. From 1994-2002, he held the Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration at the Department of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin. He was also a visiting professor in Szczecin, Shanghai, Stanford, and Moscow. In 2003, Uli Bruckner was appointed EU Jean Monnet Professor at Stanford University/Berlin.
Uli's courses include:
  • The European Module: An Introduction to the European Integration
  • A People's Union? Money, Markets, and Identity in the EU
  • External Affairs of the EU
photo of Dr. Knut Ebeling
Dr. Knut Ebeling
Recent publications include:
  • Stadien. Eine künstlerisch-wissenschaftiliche Raumforschung (with artist Kai Schiemenz), Kadmos Kulturverlag, 2008;
  • Archivologien. Theorien des Archivs in Philosophie, Medien und Künsten (with Stephan Günzel), Kadmos Kulturverlag, Berlin, 2008;
  • Das Archiv brennt (with Georges Didi-Huberman), Kadmos Kulturverlag, Berlin, 2007;
  • Die Aktualität des Archäologischen - in Kulturwissenschaft, Medien und Künsten (gem. mit Stefan Altekamp), Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt, 2004;
  • Moskauer Tagebuch: Doppelbelichtung (with foreword by Michail Ryklin), Passagen-Verlag Wien 2001;
  • Die Falle - Zwei Lektüren zu Georges Batailles ››Madame Edwarda‹‹, Passagen-Verlag, Wien, 2000.
Dr. Martin Jander
Dr. Martin Jander studied history, political science, and German literature at the Freie Universität Berlin (M. A. in history 1983; Ph. D. in history 1995). His fields of interest are National Socialism and the politics of the two German states after WW II. Martin currently works as an historian and journalist. He writes for Der Tagesspiegel and die tageszeitung, two Berlin dailies.
His books include:
  • Berlin (DDR). Ein Politischer Stadtspaziergang;
  • Formierug und Krise der DDR-Opposition (1998)
He is currently working on a book about how the German Democratic Republic dealt with the National Socialist past. If you want to know more about Martin just visit his website:
photo of Wolf-Dietrich Junghanns
Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Junghanns
Wolf studied philosophy at the University Rostov on Don, Russia (Diploma 1984), and at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Dr. phil. 1990). He has taught at the Technische Hochschule Magdeburg (1984-86), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (1986-87, 89-90), Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA (1992). In addition to teaching, Wolf serves as coordinator of the Krupp Internship Program for Stanford Students in Germany.
His courses include:
  • Theory from the Bleachers: Reading German Sports and Culture (Winter Quarter)
  • Sports, Culture and Gender in Comparative Perspective (Spring Quarter)

Fields of interest: social and political philosophy; American Pragmatism; intellectual history; cultural studies; sports studies (esp. boxing); American Pragmatism.

Current projects: symbolism of boxing; Max Schmeling, the German "sports idol"; concepts of breakthrough and transparency.

Publications on sports related topics (selection):
  • Daj boju! Drauf und dran! Traditioneller ostslawischer Faustkampf und heutige Popularisierungen eines "russischen Stils". In: Berliner Debatte Initial. Sozial- und geisteswissenschaftliches Journal, 14 (2003) 4-5, 63-113
  • Die Wahrheit des Boxens und ihre Inszenierung im "deutschen Boxboom" der neunziger Jahre. In: Thomas Alkemeyer/ Bernhard Boschert/ Robert Schmidt/Gunter Gebauer (Hg.): Aufs Spiel gesetzte Körper, Aufführungen des Sozialen in Sport und populär Kultur. Konstanz: UVK 2003, 253-279.
  • Edition of and introduction to the topical issue "Arbeit und Anmut des Boxens." In: Berliner Debatte Initial. Sozial- und geisteswissenschaftliches Journal, 12 (2001) 1, 4-132.
  • Review essay: Chistiane Eisenberg: "English sports" und deutsche Bürger. Eine Gesellschaftsgeschichte 1800-1939. Paderborn, München, Wien, Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh 1999. In: Berliner Debatte INITIAL. Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs, 11 (2000) 5/6, 240-256.
  • Edition of the topical issue "Sinnlicher Eindruck und symbolischer Ausdruck im Sport". In: Berliner Debatte Initial. Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs, 10 (1999) 6, 3-72(Archiv).
  • Introduction: "Körpergegenwart: Sinnlicher Eindruck und symbolischer Ausdruck im Sport. Zur Einführung"(ebd.).
  • "Jagdszenen und Heldensagen. Motive neuer deutscher Boxpublizistik" In: Berliner Debatte Initial. Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskurs, 8 (1997) 3, 127-154.
  • "Öffentlichkeiten: Boxen, Theater und Politik". In: "drive b:" brecht 100. Theater der Zeit. Arbeitsbuch/ The Brecht Yearbook 23 (1998). Ed by. Marc Silberman. Berlin, Oktober1997, 56-59.
  • "Boxkämpfe - Inszenierungen von Moral und Gesellschaftskritik. Max Schmeling und Henry Maske als Symbole deutscher Einheit." In: Kritische Berichte. Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kulturwissenschaften, 25 (1. Quartal 1997) 1, 28-38.
photo of Dr. Ingo Klein
Dr. Ingo Klein
Ingo studied international economics in Berlin and has conducted research and teaching at several German Universities (Humboldt Universität, Hochschule für Ökonomie Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Leipzig), as well as institutions in the US, East Europe, India, and South Korea. He has worked on international business development projects in Western and Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the US, Japan, China, and North Africa.
Ingo has been a visiting professor in the department of economics at Portland State University, Oregon since 1992 and a Lecturer at the Stanford in Berlin Program since 1999. His main fields of interest include: Present German Economy, German Economic History of the 20th Century, Development Economics, Globalization.
His courses include:
  • The German Economy - Past and Present (Autumn Quarter)
  • The German Economy in the Age of Globalization (Winter Quarter)
In his leisure time, Ingo enjoys traveling, hiking, running, skiing, scuba diving and other sports.
photo of Karen Ruoff Kramer
Dr. Karen Ruoff Kramer
Karen has been the Director of the Stanford Program in Berlin since 1980 and teaches:
  • Contemporary Theater
  • Culture and Politics in Modern Germany
  • Split Images: A Century of Cinema
Karen studied at Stanford University (B.A. in English literature,1969; Ph.D. in German Studies, 1984) and at the Freie Universität Berlin (Masters of Arts in Philosophy, Comparative Literature and American Studies, 1976). She has been a guest professor at Stanford on several occasions and is the author of diverse texts, including The Politics of Discourse: Third Thoughts on New Subjectivity (NY/Bern: NYU Ottendorfer Series, 1994). Karen is also a published poet, a cellist of sorts, and she dances with horses (dressage).
Students can get in touch with Karen concerning:
  • Academic advising, including courses at German universities, directed reading, and honors thesis research.
  • Courses and curriculum
  • General advising and concerns
Dr. Matthias Pabsch
Matthias studied Art History at Göttingen University and at Humboldt University in Berlin (Ph.D. in 2001). His particular fields of interest are contemporary art and architecture. He has lectured at Humboldt University (2001-2003) and Basel University in Switzerland (2004). Since 2003 he has been lecturing in the Duke in Berlin Program.
Dr. Pabsch is the author of the following books:
  • Zweimal Weltstadt. Architektur und Städtebau am Potsdamer Platz (Twice a Metropolis. Architecture and Urban Design at the Potsdamer Platz), 1998;
  • Pariser Platz - Architektur und Technik. Vom manuellen zum Digitalen Zeitalter (Pariser Platz - Architecture and Technology. From the Manual to the Digital Age), 2002;
  • Berlin und seine Künstler (Berlin and its Artists), 2006.
photo of Sylke Tempel
Dr. Sylke Tempel
In 2005 Sylke published Globalisierung - was ist das?; and in 2006, in cooperation with Germany's most renowned TV-News program, Die Tagesschau erklaert die Welt. Sylke attended the Universität München (M.A. Political Science) and the Universität der Bundeswehr (Ph.D. in History, Political Science and Jewish Studies). Sylke currently works as a journalist in Berlin. She has previously published a cultural history of ancient Rome (2001).
In 2003, Sylke encouraged and edited an exchange of letters between Odelia Ainbinder, a young Israeli, and Amal Rifa'i, a young Palestinian woman. We both want to live here. A difficult friendship in Jerusalem, appeared in Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and was also published in the US by St. Martins Press. In October 2003 We both want to Live Here received the renowned Quadriga Prize as the Project of the Year.
Her course offerings include:
  • Nationalism and Political Culture in Contemporary Germany
  • Globalization: International Challenges, Regional Responses
  • Shades of Green: Environmental Policy in Germany and the U.S. in Historical Perspective
Jochen Wohlfeil
Language Instructor
Jochen studied at the Universität Hamburg, Indiana University (M.A. in Anglo Studies and German Studies, 1982), and the Freie Universität Berlin (M.A. in American Studies). Since 1988, he has served as resident director for Duke University's Berlin Program.
He teaches:
  • Accelerated First-Year German (Quarter 1 & 2 in Autumn Quarter; Quarter 2 & 3 in Spring Quarter)
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