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Program Summary

Stanford’s Beijing Program opened in autumn of 2004. The program is hosted by the prestigious Peking University (PKU), which is located just outside the heart of China’s bustling capital city. Open during Autumn and Spring Quarters only, students are exposed to the rich culture of this paradoxically ancient and modern city through coursework and field trips. Although courses are taught primarily in English, students in the Beijing program are required to have some proficiency in Chinese.

During the quarter, students reside in international student dormitories on the PKU campus and will have regular access to the amenities of this sweeping campus. On weekends, students can take public transportation into the city center to partake in exciting nightlife and cuisine.


Program Location Quarter(s) Open Prerequisite(s) Language of Instruction Internship Type Living Arrangements Enrollment Capacity
Beijing Autumn/ Spring

No langauge Requirement
Spring: CHINLANG 2

Primarily English None Dorms 30


The academic objective of the Beijing program is to expose students to one of the world's fastest growing nations.

Academic Prerequisites

For Autumn Quarter there is no language requirement. For Spring Quarter participants must have completed CHINLANG 2. For students who have completed the language prerequisite by other means, please contact the Stanford Language Center to determine if that preparation serves as an equivalent prerequisite.

Related On-Campus Courses:
ARTHIST 182 Arts of China, 900-1500: Cultures in Competition
ARTHIST 185 Art in China's Modern Era
CASA 171 Mythology, Folklore, and Oral Literature of Central Asia
CASA 120 Archaeology of Early China
CHINGEN 131 Chinese Poetry in Translation
CHINGEN 132 Chinese Fiction and Drama in Translation
CHINGEN 133 Literature in 20th Century China
CHINGEN 51 Chinese Calligraphy
CHINGEN 73 Chinese Language, Culture and Society
CHINGEN 74Q What is Modern Chinese?
CHINGEN 91 Traditional East Asian Civilization: China
CHINLIT 125, 126, 127 Beginning Classical Chinese
CHINLIT 162 Tang Narrative
CHINLIT 191 The Structure of Modern Chinese
CHINLIT 192 The History of Chinese
EASTASN 183C Doing Business in China: Challenges and Approaches
EASTASN 184C Reforming Higher Education in a Changing China
HISTORY 191 East Asia in the Early Buddhist Age
HISTORY 193 Late Imperial China
HISTORY 198 The History of Chinese Modernity
HISTORY 256 U.S.-China relations: From the Opium War to Tiananmen
HISTORY 293 Law and Society in Late Imperial China
HISTORY 295J Chinese Women's History
HISTORY 93S Silk Road or Great Wall: Early Imperial China in Eurasia
HUMBIO 27 Traditional Chinese Medicine
IPS 236 The Chinese Economy
POLISCI 140L China in World Politics
POLISCI 148 Chinese Politics: The Transformation and the Era of Reform
POLISCI 148R Chinese Politics
SOC 117A China Under Mao