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Program Locations

Prospective BOSP Faculty

Faculty-in-Residence - How to Apply




Applications for Faculty-in-Residence appointments are accepted from any current Stanford faculty member who belongs to the Academic Council. The home department continues to pay the faculty salary during the overseas appointment. Non-tenure track Stanford faculty can be considered occasionally, as can emeriti. Please inquire about your specific circumstances.

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Current locations are as follows:

Program Quarters
Beijing Autumn/Spring
Berlin Autumn/Winter/Spring
Cape Town Winter/Spring
Florence Autumn/Winter/Spring
Kyoto Winter/Spring
Madrid Autumn/Winter/Spring
Moscow Autumn
Oxford Autumn/Winter/Spring
Paris Autumn/Winter/Spring
Santiago Autumn/Spring/Summer
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Application Process

Every Winter Quarter, BOSP invites Stanford Academic Council faculty to consider applying to teach at an overseas program in the academic year beginning 1.5 years hence. For example, in academic year 2012-13, we will solicit applications for academic year 2014-15. The application consists of:

  • a completed application form (download)
  • a course proposal
  • a current curriculum vitae (abbreviated version, maximum 8 pages) and
  • a recent course evaluation summary

To begin, please download Application Guidelines and Program Information for Academic Year 2014-15 for additional details.

If you wish to apply to more than one program, up to a maximum of three, please submit a separate complete application form and site-specific course proposal for each location and clearly indicate your order of preference. One copy of your CV will be sufficient.

Please submit your electronic application and supporting documents to: Trudi Reinhardt at [email protected]. If you prefer to submit in hard copy, please send to Trudi Reinhardt, Bing Overseas Studies Program, Sweet Hall, Ground Floor, MC 3089.

Deadline for submitting 2014-15 applications:  Friday, February 15, 2013

Selected faculty must obtain approvals of both their department chair and their cognizant dean to teach abroad since departments continue to pay faculty salaries.

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Stanford faculty offer one course plus directed readings during their quarter overseas.  The course may substitute for home-campus teaching; the overseas appointment is not a leave. While faculty need not be experts on the given program site, they should have familiarity with the location and propose a course that is relevant to the local context.

We especially welcome courses that make specific use of the local setting by including, for example, visits to archaeological or historical sites, museums, or laboratories. The Program Directors are knowledgeable local resources who can assist in the course development process.

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Program Calendar

The academic calendar abroad generally follows the Stanford academic calendar with the same number of instructional days, but the start and end dates may vary by location. In Spring Quarter some programs may finish later than the home campus due to a number of national holidays celebrated at overseas locations. Local holidays are observed; usually U.S. holidays are not observed. The current Program Calendars are available under each Destination section on this website.

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Faculty-in-Residence are reimbursed for round-trip coach class airfare to the program location for themselves, their partner/spouse, school-age children and other family members who regularly live with them. BOSP provides a fully-furnished apartment in the vicinity of the program center.

Furthermore, BOSP and the hosting programs offer a wide range of pre-departure information and on-site support services to Faculty-in-Residence, including assistance in finding suitable schooling for the children.

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