Research & Internships
Internship Opportunities
The Moscow Program offers its students academic internship placements in areas such as health care, journalism, international ventures, finance, and research. The goal is to provide you with practical, international work experience, immerse you in Russian culture, give an insider's view, and a deeper understanding of Russia. Internships can lead to honors thesis research, as well as help you fulfill requirements for your majors.
Student interns work a 2-3 times a week for 3-4 hours a day. They normally go to work after classes and these internships are not paid. Interns are expected to meet regularly with a mentor and discuss with him/her their work experience and observations. By the end of the quarter, students should summarize their findings and analysis in a final academic paper in order to receive academic credit.
Internship placements are offered on a case-by-case basis according to students' skills and qualifications and availability of placements. The decision to offer or not to offer a placement to a particular student is determined by the internship providers.
Research Opportunities
Student Grants for Research Overseas
Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR) administers several grants that can support research overseas, including the Quarterly and Major Grants. Help to prepare for the grant competitions is available via email. For deadlines, directions, and specific policies regarding off-campus research, please visit the UAR student grants website.
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