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Non-Stanford Study Abroad Opportunities

Transfer Credit Process


While credit is guaranteed on Stanford-operated overseas programs, it is not guaranteed on overseas programs operated by other institutions.

Undergraduates who want course work from non-Stanford study abroad programs to apply toward their Stanford bachelor’s degree should follow the Stanford University transfer credit policy. Academic work completed at another institution can be considered for credit if all of the Stanford University transfer credit policy conditions are met.

Some of the policies include:

  • It is completed at an accredited institution;
  • It is substantially similar to Stanford courses;
  • It is completed with a grade of C- or better;
  • It does not duplicate, overlap, or regress previous work;
  • The university or college offering the courses allows these courses to be used for credit towards its own undergraduate degree.

Please review the full set of transfer credit policies in the Stanford bulletin.

The Bing Overseas Studies Program determines the amount of transfer credit that an undergraduate can apply toward graduation requirements for coursework completed abroad during their undergraduate studies at Stanford. If you are requesting an evaluation of transfer credit of work completed prior to starting your studies at Stanford, please refer to the Transfer Credit Evaluation form.

The evaluation process, in general, takes 3-4 weeks from the receipt of a complete application. A complete application includes: 1) completed transfer credit request form, 2) course descriptions and/or syllabi, and 3) official transcript (for post program evaluation). In some cases, the evaluation process may take longer depending on the particular application. Students should plan to submit complete applications at least two months prior to the date by which they need to know the evaluation result. Transfer credit requests will be reviewed in order of receipt.

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Procedures for Requesting Transfer Credit Pre-Approval

In order to obtain pre-approval for future transfer credit, you must do the following:

  1. Obtain course descriptions and/or syllabi for classes you would like to take from the host institution (or program provider).
  2. Look through the Stanford Bulletin and match up the transfer classes to Stanford classes.
  3. Complete a Request for Non-Stanford Study Abroad Transfer Credit Evaluation Form electronically, print it out, and sign the form.
  4. Submit the transfer course descriptions or syllabi and your completed Request for Transfer Credit Evaluation Form to the Student Services Center, Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd floor (459 Lagunita Drive, Stanford, CA 94305). BOSP will determine which classes are transferrable and will contact you if your assistance is required with the transfer credit process, and notify you of the result via email.
  5. Once you start your study abroad program, be sure to keep a record of syllabi, reading lists, examination results, term reports, and other official evidence of satisfactory work for all of your courses. You may be requested to supply additional information.
  6. When you have completed your pre-approved course work and your grades have been posted, you must request that the host institution mail an official transcript directly to BOSP. They should mail the transcript(s) to the Bing Overseas Studies Program, Stanford University, Sweet Hall, Ground Floor, 590 Escondido Mall, Stanford CA 94305-3089. Attn: External Credit Evaluation

The transfer credit for the courses that have been pre-approved will appear on both your Stanford unofficial and official transcripts generally within four weeks AFTER BOSP has received your host institution’s official transcript, provided that the courses have been completed successfully and there has not been any change to the courses from the time of pre-approval. Transfer credit maybe removed from your record if subsequent Stanford course work duplicates transfer credit course content.

If you have already completed the work and did not obtain pre-approval, you may still petition for credit. However, there is no guarantee that the credit will transfer.

To petition to transfer course work already completed, please see Procedures for Requesting Transfer Credit for Work Already Completed.

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Procedures for Requesting Transfer Credit for Work Already Completed

To petition to transfer course work already completed, you must do the following:

  1. Request that an official transcript from the host institution mailed directly to: Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP), Stanford University, Sweet Hall, Ground Floor, 590 Escondido Mall, Stanford CA 94305-3089. Attn: External Credit Evaluation
  2. Complete the Request for Non-Stanford Study Abroad Transfer Credit Evaluation Form electronically, print it out, and sign the form.
  3. Return your petition to the Student Services Center, Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd floor (459 Lagunita Drive, Stanford, CA 94305). The BOSP External Programs Coordinator will contact you if your assistance is required with the transfer credit evaluation process.
  4. Keep all your examination results, term reports, and other official evidence of satisfactory work from overseas. You may be asked to supply additional information.

BOSP will determine which classes are transferrable and will contact you if your assistance is required with the transfer credit process, and notify you of the result via email.

The transfer credit for the courses that have been approved will appear on both your Stanford unofficial and official transcripts generally within four weeks after BOSP has received both your request and your host institution’s official transcript. Transfer credit may be removed from your record if subsequent Stanford course work duplicates transfer credit course content. Top of page