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My Krupp internship gave me so many resume-worthy skills, from new competence and experience in a field I’d like to pursue, to improved language skills, to a hands-on understanding of German and European issues. But I recommend Krupp especially because of the skill I gained that cannot be put on a resume: the confidence to handle whatever life throws at me, no matter what continent I’m on.Aliya Deri's Profile »
Molly and Angad are our two student advisors and you can check out their profiles to see what they did in Berlin and beyond.
As a participant in the Stanford Program in Berlin, you are eligible for placement in the Krupp Internship Program. This internship is made possible by a grant from the German Krupp Foundation (Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung), and provides the opportunity for practical experience in a given profession